NSCoders will act as a colaboration project between a group of people. The goal, besides creating an application, is to learn/enhance (at least) two things:
- iOS and objective-c
- Collaboration off-shore
The idea itself, in a nutshell, is to allow a person to search for a developer. Imagine the case where I, as a recruiter, need to find an iOS Developer. How can I do it? This application will try to satisfy this need.
Website Project: http://nscoders.com
How to contribute
Every contribution should be in the form of a Pull Request, without exceptions.
Objective-C Style Guide
The New York times's objective-c coding standards will be served as the guide for this application.
Continuous Integration
We use Travis CI to build the project. You can see the status here: https://travis-ci.org/rbfigueira/nscoders
Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community. Travis CI will listen to push and pull request events to trigger new builds, member and public events to keep track of repository visibility and issue comment events.
=== v 1.0 ===
3 Features:
- Login + Registration
- Searching for a developer (map or list view)
- Developer's Detail
- CocoaPods v0.26; Is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries.