
Step1: create HTML form to submit array :

Step2: Create a model class if you want to use Eloquent ORM like this:

Php artisan make:model Employeereferees Edit the model class, edit tbale name and add fillable columns to the model.

Step3: Create a controller and add this to the top of the page:

use db; // if you are using Query Builder. use App\Models\ Employeereferees; // if you are using Eloquent ORM. Use Carbon\carbon; //if you want to use date Next, add this function to the controller: public function addReferees(Request $request) { $employeeID = mt_rand(100000, 999999); $date = Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'); foreach($request->refereename as $i =>$value) { $referees[]=[ 'employeeId'=>$employeeId, 'refereename'=>$request->refereename[$i], 'refereecompany'=>$request->refereecompany[$i], 'refereephone'=>$request->refereephone[$i], 'refereeemail'=>$request->refereeemail[$i], 'relationship'=>$request->relationship[$i], 'refereelocation'=>$request->refereelocation[$i], 'created_at'=>$date, 'updated_at'=>$date, ]; } //use only one option here: DB::table('hrms_referees')->insert($referees); // if you are using Query Builder approach EmployeeReferees::insert($referees);//if you are using eloquent approach return back()->with('success','Submission Successful'); }