
A performance comparison of standard matrix functions between CPU and GPU using Nvidia CUDA on Visual Studio using C++

Primary LanguageCudaMIT LicenseMIT

CPU vs GPU Matrix Operation

A performance comparison of standard matrix functions between CPU and GPU using Nvidia CUDA on Visual Studio using C++


The code begins by including the necessary CUDA runtime and device launch parameters headers, as well as standard C libraries for input/output and random number generation.

The main functions in the code are as follows:

  • generateRandomMatrix: This function generates a random positive integer matrix of specified dimensions.
  • printMatrix: This function prints a matrix.
  • matrixAdditionCPU: This function performs matrix addition using the CPU.
  • matrixSubtractionCPU: This function performs matrix subtraction using the CPU.
  • matrixMultiplicationCPU: This function performs matrix multiplication using the CPU.
  • matrixTransposeCPU: This function computes the transpose of a matrix using the CPU.
  • matrixAdditionGPU: This CUDA kernel performs matrix addition using the GPU.
  • matrixSubtractionGPU: This CUDA kernel performs matrix subtraction using the GPU.
  • matrixMultiplicationGPU: This CUDA kernel performs matrix multiplication using the GPU.
  • matrixTransposeGPU: This CUDA kernel computes the transpose of a matrix using the GPU.

In the main function, the code prompts the user to enter the number of rows and columns for the matrices. It handles the case where the rows and columns are not equal and prompts the user to enter them again.

The code then allocates memory for the matrices on both the CPU and GPU. It generates random matrices, prints them, and performs matrix operations using both the CPU and GPU implementations. The execution times for each operation are displayed.

Finally, the memory is freed, and the program terminates.


Rows and Column must be equal, Enter the number of rows: 2 Enter the number of columns: 3

Error! Rows and Columns must be equal Enter the number of rows: 5 Enter the number of columns: 5

Matrix A:

42 68 35 1 70
25 79 59 63 65
6 46 82 28 62
92 96 43 28 37
92 5 3 54 93

Matrix B:

83 22 17 19 96
48 27 72 39 70
13 68 100 36 95
4 12 23 34 74
65 42 12 54 69

Matrix Addition (CPU):

125 90 52 20 166
73 106 131 102 135
19 114 182 64 157
96 108 66 62 111
157 47 15 108 162

Time taken (CPU): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Addition (GPU - CUDA):

125 90 52 20 166
73 106 131 102 135
19 114 182 64 157
96 108 66 62 111
157 47 15 108 162

Time taken (GPU - CUDA): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Subtraction (CPU):

-41 46 18 -18 -26
-23 52 -13 24 -5
-7 -22 -18 -8 -33
88 84 20 -6 -37
27 -37 -9 0 24

Time taken (CPU): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Subtraction (GPU - CUDA):

-41 46 18 -18 -26
-23 52 -13 24 -5
-7 -22 -18 -8 -33
88 84 20 -6 -37
27 -37 -9 0 24

Time taken (GPU - CUDA): 0.001000 seconds

Matrix Multiplication (CPU):

11759 8092 9973 8524 17021
11111 10181 14242 11332 22682
7914 9890 13002 9160 17936
15320 9430 13864 9990 24262
14176 6917 4582 8909 19880

Time taken (CPU): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Multiplication (GPU - CUDA):

11759 8092 9973 8524 17021
11111 10181 14242 11332 22682
7914 9890 13002 9160 17936
15320 9430 13864 9990 24262
14176 6917 4582 8909 19880

Time taken (GPU - CUDA): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Transpose (CPU):

42 25 6 92 92
68 79 46 96 5
35 59 82 43 3
1 63 28 28 54
70 65 62 37 93

Time taken (CPU): 0.000000 seconds

Matrix Transpose (GPU - CUDA):

42 25 6 92 92
68 79 46 96 5
35 59 82 43 3
1 63 28 28 54
70 65 62 37 93

Time taken (GPU - CUDA): 0.000000 seconds

Simulation of a larger Matrix