
:computer: A REST service with Spring Boot, Postman, HTML and CSS

Primary LanguageJava


The objective of this project is to store all the code snippets that have been uploaded to the program.


Example 1: a POST /api/code/new requests with the body

ID is the unique number of the snippet that helps you access it via the endpoint GET /code/N.

Example 2: a GET /api/code/1 request with the correct id

Example 3: a GET /api/code/2 request with the correct id

Example 4: a GET /api/code/3 request, a wrong id number

Example 5: a GET /api/code/latest request

Return a JSON array with 10 most recently uploaded code snippets sorted from the newest to the oldest.

Example 6: a GET /code/latest request

Use the following dependency in the build.gradle file to be able to use FreeMarker:

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-freemarker'

Apache FreeMarker™ is a template engine: a Java library to generate text output (HTML web pages, e-mails, configuration files, source code, etc.).

Example 7: a GET /code/new request

Example 8: a GET /code/latest request