
Train and deploy NLP models

Primary LanguagePython


Train and deploy NLP models


Install gcloud on mac

Ref: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart

  • Download gcloud sdk
  • execute ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh from the folder containing "google-cloud-sdk"
  • initialize by running ./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
  • [optional] Choose default compute engine zone
    • If zone is not specified while creating/working with compute engine resources, default will be assumed
    • The default can be changed by running gcloud config set compute/zone NAME
      • Replace NAME with zone name e.g. asia-southeast1-c
    • use gcloud config list to check current configurations

Crete VM with PyTorch



Execute the following to create an instance with pytorch

export IMAGE_FAMILY="pytorch-latest-gpu"
export ZONE="asia-southeast1-c"
export INSTANCE_NAME="pytorch-nlp"
export INSTANCE_TYPE="n1-highmem-4" 

gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
        --zone=$ZONE \
        --image-family=$IMAGE_FAMILY \
        --image-project=deeplearning-platform-release \
        --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
        --accelerator="type=nvidia-tesla-t4,count=1" \
        --machine-type=$INSTANCE_TYPE \
        --boot-disk-size=200GB \
        --metadata="install-nvidia-driver=True" \
  • useful commands

    • Check status of all compute engine VMs in the current project
      • gcloud compute instances list
    • Check status of a specific instance
      • gcloud compute instances describe $INSTANCE_NAME
    • Once the VM is started, access it via
      • gcloud compute ssh $INSTANCE_NAME OR
      • gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
      • If private/public SSH key file does not exist for gcloud, the SSH keygen will be executed to generate keys. These keys will be stored in ~\.ssh folder. This will generate
    • Go to localhost:8080/tree to access jupyter notebook
    • Stop the instance *gcloud compute instances stop $INSTANCE_NAME
    • Restart the VM after stopping
      • gcloud compute instances start $INSTANCE_NAME
      • gcloud compute ssh --zone=$ZONE jupyter@$INSTANCE_NAME -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
    • Clean up and delete instance
      • gcloud compute instances delete $INSTANCE_NAME
  • Change scope and service account for the VM [optional]

    • Create a dedicated service account for the VM with editor role
    • gcloud compute instances set-service-account $INSTANCE_NAME \ --service-account compute-engine-vm-nlp-pytorch@ml-deployment-apps-9461.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --scopes logging-write,storage-full,monitoring-write,service-control,service-management,trace,pubsub,cloud-platform
    • execute the above command to assign compute-engine-vm-nlp-pytorch@ml-deployment-apps-9461.iam.gserviceaccount.com as service account for the VM and set scopes for this VM
    • scope and IAM role together will determine the capability of the VM
    • A best practice is to set the cloud-platform access scope on the instance, then securely limit the service account's API access with IAM roles

Connect with github repo

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/rbiswasfc/nlp-deployments.git
cd nlp-deployments
git status

Create Google Cloud Bucket & upload model

  • In GCP go to storage -> cloud storage -> browser
  • Click on create bucket and follow the instructions
  • Alternatively the gsutil to create a bucket e.g.
    • gsutil mb -l us-east4 gs://rbiswasfc-nlp-bucket
      • this will create a bucket named rbiswas-nlp-bucket in us-east4 region
      • mb stands for make bucket
  • upload trained model to the bucket
    • gsutil -m cp -r {LOCAL_MODEL_DIR} gs://{BUCKET_NAME}/{GCS_MODEL_DIR}
  • delete bucket using
    • gsutil rm -r gs://rbiswasfc-nlp-bucket

Activate AI Platform Training & Prediction

Create Service Account to Access Model

  • A service account is an account for an application/VM instead of an individual end user

  • Applications use service accounts to make authorized API calls, authorized as

    • service account itself
    • google workspace
    • cloud identity through domain-wide delegation
  • A service account is identified by its email address, which is unique to the account

  • Service accounts do not have passwords, and cannot log in via browsers or cookies

  • Each service account is associated with two sets of public/private RSA key pairs that are used to authenticate to Google

    • Google-managed keys
    • User-managed keys
  • You can create as many accounts as needed to represent the different logical components of your application.

  • In the GCP Console, go to the create service account key page

Authentication confirms that users are who they say they are. Authorization gives those users permission to access a resource.

Deploy model to AI platform

  • Upload the trained model to cloud storage bucket

  • If a custom prediction routine is required follow the guideline here

    • Custom prediction routines allow you to determine what code runs when you send an online prediction request to AI Platform Prediction
    • You can preprocess prediction input before your trained model performs prediction, or you can post-process the model's prediction before sending the prediction result
    • To create a custom prediction routine, you must provide two parts to AI Platform Prediction when you create your model version
      • A model directory in cloud storage, that contains any artifacts that need to be used for prediction
      • A .tar.gz python source distribution package in cloud storage containing your implementation of the predictor interface and any other custom code you want AI platform prediction to use
    • You can only deploy a custom prediction routine when you use a legacy (MLS1) machine type for your model version

    { "insertId": "-tyl06pc581", "jsonPayload": { "numInstances": "1", "message": "{"error": "Prediction failed: unknown error."}", "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.ml.v1.PredictionLogEntry" }, "httpRequest": { "requestMethod": "POST", "requestUrl": "ml.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ml-deployment-apps-9461/models/torch_name_classifier/versions/v5:predict?alt=json", "requestSize": "43", "status": 200, "responseSize": "66", "userAgent": "(gzip),gzip(gfe)", "remoteIp": "" }, "resource": { "type": "cloudml_model_version", "labels": { "model_id": "torch_name_classifier", "region": "us-east4", "project_id": "ml-deployment-apps-9461", "version_id": "v5" } }, "timestamp": "2021-06-13T00:16:53Z", "severity": "ERROR", "labels": { "ml.googleapis.com/endpoint": "ml.googleapis.com" }, "logName": "projects/ml-deployment-apps-9461/logs/ml.googleapis.com", "receiveTimestamp": "2021-06-13T00:16:53.777066347Z" }