The game of chess.. actually nothing yet.
- save state
- game manager (turn and messages)
- ai algorithm
- DANGER move puts piece in danger (-2)
- COST move captures a lower valued piece (-1)
- PROTECTION move provides protection (+2)
- COST+PROTECTION Captures lower piece, but provides protection (+3)
- HIGH VALUE - High value pieces like Queen and King take less risks
- IN DANGER - is the piece currently in danger and if so, what is the value of that piece
- Need to account for being in "check"
- Need to determine winner if checkmate
Create algorithm to calculate "strength" of each possible move
- DANGE move puts piece in danger (-2)
- COST move captures a lower valued piece (-1)
- PROTECTION move provides protection (+2)
- COST+PROTECTION Captures lower piece, but provides protection (+3)
- HIGH VALUE - High value pieces like Queen and King take less risks
- IN DANGER - is the piece currently in danger and if so, what is the value of that piece
Tell computer to make move base on score
visual: use pieces variable to display the board and provide an interface
- this ui can interact with Chess to modify the state and update the ui
chess: inner workings of Chess
- what pieces are on the board and where
- possible moves
- state of board
ai: how the computer uses knowledge of board to make decisions
- interacts with board state
- calculate best move based on state and history