
Manage contacts from the command line via the macOS Contacts framework.

Primary LanguageSwift


Manage contacts from the command line via the macOS Contacts framework.

Swift module utilizing the Contacts Framework to search, add, remove and export contacts in various formats (VCF, text, CSV). It also allows for the creation of new Contact Groups, and the removal of existing Contact Groups (including all Contacts within the Group). This module requires the Contacts Framework, and is therefore only supported on macOS version 10.12+.


Contactor can be installed in one of two ways.

1. Install as a command line utility

The command line executable can be installed via Homebrew.

$ brew tap kettle/homebrew-kettle
$ brew install Contactor

2. Install as a project dependency

To use Contactor's Core functionality, you can include Contactor as a dependency in your project. When installed as a dependency, Contactor does not include the module's executable command line interface or its dependencies.

If you're using Cocoapods, add Contactor to your pod list and run $ pod update.

platform :osx, '10.13'

target 'YourProject' do

  pod 'Contactor', :git => 'https://github.com/kettle/Contactor.git'

If you're using Swift Package Manager, add Contactor to your Package.swift file and run $ swift package update.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
	name: "YourProject",
	dependencies: [
		.package(url: "https://github.com/kettle/Contactor")
	targets: [...]

Building from source

$ git clone git@github.com:kettle/Contactor.git && ./Contactor/build.sh prod

The newly compiled executable will be written to /usr/local/bin/Contactor. This may trip up homebrew. To avoid any issues, it's recommended that you remove any homebrew-installed versions of Contactor before building from source.

$ brew remove Contactor

Executable usage

Run the executable without any arguments to output usage options.

$ Contactor

Usage: Contactor <command> [options]

Contactor - manage contacts via the command line

  add             Add a contact
  list            List all contacts
  exists          Check if contact exists
  search          Search contacts by name
  remove          Remove a contact
  listGroups      List groups by name
  searchGroups    Search groups by name
  createGroup     Create a new contact group
  deleteGroup     Delete a group and all of its Contacts
  help            Prints this help information
  version         Prints the current version of this app

For command-specific help, enter the command name followed by --help

$ Contactor add --help

Usage: Contactor add [options]

  -a, --street <value>        Contact's street address
  -b, --birthday <value>      Contact's day of birth as an integer (1 - 31)
  -c, --city <value>          Contact's city of residence
  -e, --email <value>         Contact's email addresses separated by commas, optionally labeled as `<label>:<address>`
  -f, --first <value>         Contact's first (given) name
  -h, --help                  Show help information for this command
  -i, --title <value>         Contact's title
  -l, --last <value>          Contact's last (family) name
  -m, --birthmonth <value>    Contact's birth month as an integer (1 - January, 12 - December)
  -o, --company <value>       Contact's company / organization
  -p, --pic <value>           The path to a photo of Contact (local file)
  -s, --state <value>         Contact's state of residence
  -t, --telephone <value>     Contact's phone numbers separated by commas, optionally labeled as `<label>:<number>`
  -z, --zip <value>           Contact's zip code

Must pass at least one of the following: --first --last
$ Contactor search --help

Usage: Contactor search <search> [options]

  -c, --csv               Write output to stdout in CSV format
  -d, --deep              Perform a deep search (search against all contact properties)
  -h, --help              Show help information for this command
  -o, --output <value>    Write individual VCF files to directory <value>
  -t, --text              Write output to stdout as text (default)
  -v, --vcf               Write output to stdout in VCF format

Searching with the executable

By default, searches will be "shallow", meaning they will use a predicate that only matches "names" (given name, nickname, family name). This is the only predicate the Contacts framework allows for, but by using the --deep flag, Contactor will retrieve all contacts and filter out those matching your search term across all contact properties. For example, to retrieve all contacts with an "@wearekettle.com" email address and save them to a CSV:

$ Contactor search -d "@wearekettle.com" -c > "wearekettle.csv"

Output formats

You can control the output of matched contacts by passing flags to the search and list commands. Generally output is sent to stdout where it can be handled accordingly.


To write matched results to a CSV file:

$ Contactor list -c > ~/Desktop/contacts.csv


To write matched results as a text string with one property on each line preceded by the property name:

$ Contactor list

VCF files

There are two ways to generate VCF files from Contactor. The first is to set the "output" parameter to the directory where you want to save your VCF files. Contactor will generate a VCF file for each matched contact at that location.

$ Contactor search -o ~/Desktop "Appleseed"

The second approach outputs base-64 encoded VCF data for all matching contacts to stdout. This allows you to easily export all contacts as a single, combined VCF file. Simply pass the command the "v" flag and capture the output.

Note, this file may be quite large as all Contact photos are written within the file as base-64-encoded strings.

$ Contactor list -v > ~/Desktop/all-contacts.vcf

Usage as a module dependency

Once installed as a dependency (see above), you can import and instantiate the Contactor class.

import Contactor

/// Somewhere in your code
let contactor = Contactor.init()

You can then call any of Contactor's public methods to interface with the user's contacts.

contactor.searchContactRecords(filter: "someemailaddress.com", deepSearch: true, completion: { (contactRecords) in
	for contactRecord in ContactRecords {

Included scripts

There are a number of shell and ruby scripts in ./bin. The purpose of each is outlined below.


Compiles the module into both a framework and executable. The executable is stored in /usr/local/bin/Contactor upon completion. Running the command without any arguments generates a development build. Running the command with the argument prod (as illustrated below) will generate a production build.

$ bin/build.sh prod


This script recursively updates build settings within a generated xcodeproj project. This is necessary to quiet compiler errors due to dependencies supporting versions of macOS prior to version 10.12.


Uses Jazzy to generate module documentation. This script also lints the Swift files using SwiftLint.


Template file for generating an updated plist when a new version is authored.


Script to automate the creation of a production build for a particular version. This script also creates a "release" on GitHub, and uploads the most recently generated binary as the release asset. The script expects one argument which indicates the version of the release. For example:

$ bin/release.sh 1.0.0


Another simple template to generate the Contactor homebrew formula and publish it to GitHub.


This script generates a traditional Xcode project. This can be useful during development. The generated Xcode project is not kept in version control. Changes anything other than the contents of the Sources directory should be considered ephemeral.