
Test helper to help with common day to day testing tasks.

Do you see yourself copy/pasting or doing the same setup code again?

Maybe it's time for a pull request or an issue! bfx-svc-test-helper is open for improvements and suggestions that make our day to day life as a team easier!

Usage in tests

The API supports Promise and callback based APIs. For a common example, see example.js.


createGrapes() => Grapes

Creates an instance to manage Grapes for testing.

grapes.start([cb]) => Promise

Creates two "default Grapes" and calls the callback when the found each other.

grapes.onAnnounce([servicename], [cb]) => Promise

Calls the callback as soon as the service is announced on the network. Leave blank to match any announce.

grapes.stop([cb]) => Promise

Stops the Grapes.

createWorker(worker, [grapes]) => Worker

Creates an svc-js worker instance.

worker.start([cb]) => Promise

Starts the worker. If grapes were passed via createWorker, resolves as soon as the service name is announced on the network.

worker.stop([cb]) => Promise

Stops the worker.

createClient(worker) => Client

Sets up a typical PeerClient needed for most use cases. worker can be the name of the worker e.g. rest:util:net, or can be a <Worker> instance from createWorker

client.request(args, [opts], [cb]) => Promise

Makes a request to the configured worker.

client.stop([cb]) => Promise

Stops the client.

createServer(mocks, opts) => Server

Sets up a HTTP stub/mock server.

opts.port - the port the server will listen to. opts.debug - print the data sent from the client via post

opts.debug is useful when you are creating new mock definitions, especially if you use an external client library to send the request.

mocks can be a mock definition or an array of mock definitions.

The server can basically match, test and return anything on request/response, sent payloads etc. For convenience, there are shorthands that should suffice in most cases: example-server-simple.js.

For advanced route matching and testing of incoming requests, see example-server-advanced.js

server.start([cb]) => Promise

Makes a request to the configured mockserver.

server.stop([cb]) => Promise

Stops the server.