
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Dazaar logo

Socket, RPC API patterns for a decentralized web based on Dazaar

npm install dazaar-guild

Learn more about Dazaar in our intro blogpost and whitepaper.


Setup server side

const { Bastion, Priv } = require('dazaar-guild')

const bastion = new Bastion({
  dir: './data',
  customValidate: (key, cb) => {
    console.log('bastion: validationRequest for', key.toString('hex'))

const MEM = {}

bastion.on('prv_auth', data => {
  if (MEM[data.cliPubHex]) {
    console.error('cli already active', cliPubHex)

  MEM[data.cliPubHex] = true
    cliPubHex: data.cliPubHex
  }, () => {

bastion.on('message', p => {
  if (p.data === 'hello') {


const priv = new Priv({
  dir: './data',
  customValidate: (key, cb) => {
    console.log('priv: validationRequest for', key.toString('hex'))

priv.on('message', p => {
  if (p.data === 'hello') {
    p.reply('world (priv)')

And then client side

const { Client } = require('dazaar-guild')

const client = new Client({
  bastionKey: process.argv[2]
}, {


client.on('message', p => {
  console.log('received pub message', p)

client.on('pub_connected', () => {
  client.bcastPub('message', 'hello')

client.on('auth', msg => {
  console.log('received authentication handshake')

client.on('prv_message', p => {
  console.log('received prv message', p)

client.on('prv_connected', () => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    client.bcastPriv('message', 'hello')
  }, 500)
  console.log('connected priv')


const bastion = Bastion(opts)

Create a public Dazaar-Bastion instance. Bastion inherits from EventEmitter.

Options include:

  dir: ..., // data directory for hypercore storage
  customValidate: (key, cb) // custom client validation logic (ideal for whitelisting, ...)

bastion.on('prv_auth', data => {...})

Get notified on new client authentication request.

Data include:

  cliPubHex: ..., // hex of pub key of connecting client

bastion.on('message', data => {...})

Generic message received from client, useful for chatter and build low level complex patterns (ie. RPC)

Data include:

  data: ..., // incoming data
  reply: ..., // function to reply back to the client

const priv = Priv(opts)

Create a private Dazaar instance, dedicated to a single client. Priv inherits from EventEmitter.

Options include:

  dir: ..., // data directory for hypercore storage
  customValidate: (key, cb) // custom client validation logic (ideal for whitelisting, ...)

priv.on('message', data => {...})

Generic message received from client, useful for chatter and build low level complex patterns (ie. RPC)

Data include:

  data: ..., // incoming data
  reply: ..., // function to reply back to the client