terraform--provision resources in cloud providers -- made by hashicorp
--infrastructure as a code ...............................
- launch ec2
- wget link on linux https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html and copy link of 64 and paste it to ec2-linux instance
- unzip the zipped file (sudo yum install -y unzip in case of rhel)
- echo $"export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)" >> ~/.bash_profile --send current directory and save it to bash_profile
- source ~/.bash_profile --to load the .bash_profile
- type terraform , you will see information
- mkdir terraform-lab and go inside it
- vi ec2.tf (tf is extention for terraform)
provider "aws" { access_key = "***" secret_key = "***" region = "us-east-1" } resource "aws_instance" "example" { count = 2 ami = "ami-2757f631" instance_type = "t2.micro" tags { Name = "test-instance" } }
- go to Iam, click on user, and go to security credentials and create access key and make changes to ec2.tf
- note: ami must be specific to region
- note: once you have aws-cli setup(aws configure) you neednot to provide access_key, secret_key and region. 13.ls , you will see ec2.tf
- initialize the terraform by command -- terraform init
- terraform apply ---- and write yes
- note: the user should have ec2fullaccess.
- you can see the changes made by going to ec2-instances, just above ami you need to add count = 2 if you want 2 more machines or so.
- you can even destroy the changes using command -- terraform destroy