
A react.js datetime picker for bootstrap

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This project is a fork for the port of https://github.com/Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker for React.js


Installation :

npm install https://github.com/RubenSerradas/react-bootstrap-datetimepicker --save


var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker');


render: function() {
  return <DateTimeField />;

See Examples for more details.



Name Type Default Description
dateTime string moment().format('x') Represents the inital dateTime, this string is then parsed by moment.js
format string "x" Defines the format moment.js should use to parse and output the date to onChange
inputFormat string "MM/DD/YY h:mm A" Defines the way the date is represented in the HTML input. It must be a format understanable by moment.js
onChange function x => console.log(x) Callback trigger when the date changes. x is the new datetime value.
showToday boolean true Highlights today's date
size string "md" Changes the size of the date picker input field. Sizes: "sm", "md", "lg"
daysOfWeekDisabled array of integer [] Disables clicking on some days. Goes from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
viewMode string or number 'days' The default view to display when the picker is shown. ('years', 'months', 'days')
inputProps object undefined Defines additional attributes for the input element of the component.
minDate moment undefined The earliest date allowed for entry in the calendar view.
maxDate moment undefined The latest date allowed for entry in the calendar view.
mode string undefined Allow" to selectively display only the time picker ('time') or the date picker ('date')
defaultText string {dateTime} Sets the initial value. Could be an empty string, or helper text.
inputGroupClassName string {""} Additional class name(s) for the widget's input group.
dateLabel element {} A label for the date time picker.

Update Warning

Starting from 0.0.6, the 3 github repositories react-bootstrap-datetimepicker, react-bootstrap-datetimepicker-npm and react-bootstrap-datetimepicker-bower are merged in a single one. The build process changed but the API is the same. However now the package exports DateTimeField directly, no need to do :

var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker').DateTimeField;

instead use :

var DateTimeField = require('react-bootstrap-datetimepicker');


This is only a fork to add some new props for the widget. Check the original project.

When making new modifications don't forget to make

npm run build-npm