
Simple Application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This approach uses a monorepo project. It means that my client and server are in this repository.

DISCLAIMER: the ReactJS code lives under client and is just being rendered to the server, so thats why we need to create a build project before running the application with yarn build.

client/ => ReactJS Code. src/ => Go Code.

Tech Stack


This project requires Go1.11+, Docker and Docker Compose to run. You can also use the Makefile to run the application, but make sure it's installed.

Install the dependencies using go mod:

$ cd wryteup.co
$ go mod download


  • migrate command is working. Check the installation here.
  • sqlc command is working. Check the installation here.

$ cd wryteup.co
$ go mod download
$ make dev

If you dont want to install any of the necessary requirements mentioned above, then you can just run using docker.

NOTE: to update your changes in the client/ directory, run yarn install and then yarn build to create the react project.

NOTE: Run the below commands if you just want to try or test the application without installing the necessary requirements in your local machine.


Either, with docker-compose:

$ cd wryteup.co
$ docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

Or run with make:

$ cd wryteup.co
$ make docker

Browse http://localhost:9001 in your browser.


NOTE: Run below command if, and only if you have golang-migrate installed on your local machine.

Create migrations:

$ migrate create -ext sql -dir migrations create_users_table

Running migrations:

$ migrate -source file://migrations \
          -database postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/wryteup_dev?sslmode=disable up

Tearing down:

$ docker-compose down