Simple Cookieless Embed Demo


Cookieless embedding official documentation

This TypeScript and React-based web app contains a backend server for generating tokens via the Looker API that are used to authenticate each cookieless session request. The front end, leveraging the Looker Embed SDK, will call the appropriate backend endpoints and use the responses to embed a Looker dashboard (or explore, look, or extension).

A simple signed url SSO embed demo can be found here.



  • cd backend && npm install
  • Change .env.example to .env and fill out the target Looker instance base url, and the Looker API client ID and secret
  • In utils.ts, change the permissions and models values accordingly to match what the embed user should have access to
  • npm run dev to start backend server

Front end

  • cd frontend && npm install
  • In App.tsx:
    • Change the first argument to the .initCookieless method to the appropriate target Looker instance
    • Change the dashboardId value to one the embed user should have access to
  • npm run dev to start frontend server
  • Navigate to localhost:[port of frontend server] and click the "Load Dashboard" button to load the embedded dashboard