
Dokku buildpack for GitLab

Primary LanguageShell

Buildpack: GitLab (work in progress)

This is a Buildpack for GitLab to be used in combination with the heroku-buildpack-ruby through heroku-buildpack-multi.

How does it work?

While the buildpack-gitlab will setup gitlab-shell and do some magic,

the heroku-buildpack-ruby will take care of gitlabhq itself.

Getting started


  1. A PaaS like
  2. At least 1GB of RAM and swap enabled
  3. A redis and (postgres or mariadb) addon
  4. Additional persistent storage
  5. Additional port forwarding for the SSH port

General instructions

Tell your PaaS to use the multi buildpack:


with the buildpacks buildpack-gitlab and heroku-buildpack-ruby:

$ git checkout -b deployment
$ echo -e "https://github.com/amtrack/buildpack-gitlab.git\nhttps://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git" > .buildpacks
$ git add .buildpacks
$ git commit -m "prepare for deployment"

PaaS specific instructions

Depending on your PaaS, see the detailed instructions for

  • creating the application
  • managing required addons
  • managing persistent storage and
  • managing port forwarding
PaaS Instructions
dokku https://github.com/amtrack/buildpack-gitlab/wiki/dokku
dokku-alt https://github.com/amtrack/buildpack-gitlab/wiki/dokku-alt

Environment variables


Setting the SMTP credentials in the syntax smtps://<user>:<password>@<smtp_url>/?domain=<domain>




Specifying the gitlab-shell version.

Currently the default gitlab-shell version will be read from the file GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION. If you want to use another version you can set the environment variable GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION (mind prefixing the version number with a v in the environment variable).




Most of the GitLab Installation stuff is borrowed from

This buildpack was generated with the Yeoman generator generator-buildpack

Known Issues

See here