Tastyworks Coding Challenge

Setup and Startup

This application has two part: Ruby on Rails, and Ember. Both must be running for the application to work.


First, ensure you are in the root of the directory (/tastyworks). This also assumes you have Ruby installed already.

Note: csv:import takes a while. Grab a coffee, watch some TED Talks.

bundle install
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake csv:import 
rails s


These steps assume you have Ember already installed. If you do not, you can get Ember by running npm install -g ember-cli.

cd app/assets/javascripts/emberjs
npm install
bower install
ember server

Using the application

To use, hit http://localhost:4200/, where you can search for a stock. Clicking a stock symbol from this screen will take you to the history for that stock. If you would llke to visit the history page directly, the format is http://localhost:4200/history/:symbol