
This app is a timed code quiz with multiple-choice questions.It runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS along with JavaScript code.It also ensures a responsive and clean user interface.

User Story

AS A coding bootcamp student I WANT to take a timed quiz on JavaScript fundamentals that stores high scores SO THAT I can gauge my progress compared to my peers


The application consists a few multiple choice questions. So once the user presses the "Start" button, the quiz starts by displaying each question and the time starts running(75s per question). The length of the time is decided by the number of the questions. However, if the users respond incorrectly, 10 seconds will be deducted from the timer. The final user score indicates to the remainder of the timer's amount. At the end of the quiz, the users are be able to enter their initials to be added along with score in order to be displayed on the HighScores List board. Once they enter their initials, the scoreboard appears including an option to clear the board and restart the quiz.

