
Devilishly Good Klipper Install guide and MACRO pack!

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Devilishly Good!

v2.4 Rewritten, now your printer just got even smarter!

This macro pack will run on any compatible printer, giving you an amazingly adaptive & effortless feeling to using your machine!

Plus a copy/paste how to install Klipper from scratch guide, which is jammed full of extras & advanced features!

Also included is the custom boot screen image & 3DPRintDemon Keyring.stl

Here you'll find all the info you'll need to get Klipper running on your printer. Follow the instructions in the install guide if you are starting from scratch. Links & credits for sources have been given where possible, if I've forgotten or missed any let me know & I can update things as needed.

The .cfg files have been written & tested by myself. I run them on my own machines. The goal of these macros has always been to be as automated and unobtrusive as possible! No clutter, no million macro buttons, no endless choices & commands. This is a hit print & know the printer does the rest system!

Start_End_Print.cfg has all you need to get your Klipper printer prepared for a print correctly with automatically adaptive modes that will set the printer up for your print by itself! All you need do aside from a few simple setup steps is check & maybe edit the variables section in the file to your liking.

This macro relies on you setting the correct filament type in your slicer! BE SURE YOU DO THIS!


NEW! Adaptive Pressure Advance Mode! - APA - ORCA SLICER ONLY

  • Why have only 1 single setting for Pressure Advance trying to work across the whole print when you can have 6!!

  • 6 settings per filament, 30 in total!

  • Each setting is automatically selected by filament for different types of extrusions during the print.

  • Settings for Perimeter, External Perimeter, Internal Infill, Solid Infill, Top Solid Infill, & filament default.

  • Print tuning towers for the speed of each extrusion type & apply them to the Adaptive Pressure Advance (APA) modifiers!

  • Disable or enable individual modifiers, you don't have use them all, use any number in any combination!

  • Or disable modifiers by filament or the whole module at once!

  • All settings in one easy to edit place, no need to edit macro code!

  • Verbose mode, read back all APA commands to the console!

NEW! Mesh Auto Builder!

  • Auto build all 5 meshes at different temperatures with included heat soak waits & message prompts! Inspired by a community contribution from Karl L! Thank you for sharing!

Demon Print Start End

  • The printer knows what filament you sliced your print for!

  • You can now choose 2 different flow rates for each filament that are automatically selected depending on if you're using a small layer height for fine detail prints, or a large layer height to get stuff done quick for that filament! - LOVE THIS!

  • Pressure Advance & Smooth Time values for each filament, each can will be applied automatically, if the filament type is unrecognised the default stored value is used.

  • Pre print filament runout check

  • Fast & adaptive Nozzle Preheat, values for each of the 5 filament presets. If the filament you're using is not on the list then the macro falls back on reading the file temps & makes a decision from there.

  • Fully conditional homing, don't home again if you don't have to!

  • If you have a chamber or printer enclosure with a temperature sensor the macro can be set to use it for heat soaking the printer.

  • If you have a chamber or printer enclosure with a cooling fan then there are settings for when the fan comes on for each filament to help maintain the correct temperature!

  • Store 5 Meshes, one for each filament type. Each will be called automatically for the correct filament! Then if the filament type is not recognised the macro will fall back on reading the file temps & makes a decision from there.

  • Automatically applied high temperature expansion offset for ASA & ABS filaments with a bed-saver safeguard! You set the offset to use. This will only allow small adjustments so can't dig trenches into your bed! Range of -0.1mm to +0.1mm is available. Anything outside this range causes an Emergency Stop! Offset adjustment feature can be switched on/off. USE WITH CARE!

  • PETG Anti-Squish with bed-saver safeguard! This allows a positive Z offset to all PETG prints automatically to reduce the first layer squish. Range 0.00 to +0.1mm. Anything outside this range causes an Emergency Stop! Offset adjustment feature can be switched on/off. USE WITH CARE!

  • Filaments have Heat Soak timers that are now controlled by either enclosure temp sensor readings, or timers. You choose! Timers are default if you don't have an enclosure or sensor.

  • Support for 5 stepper driver systems with Z-Tilt option

  • Customise your purge line! Choose where to start & which axis to purge along! X or Y! It automatically adapts to your file's extrusion height & width!

Demon User Settings

  • This file contains all the 'Variables' available for the Demon Print Start End Macro, open & edit one single file! No need to trawl through the macros!

  • You can even turn on/off hardware options as your system changes & grows over time! Don't worry about future-proofing, its already built right in!

Demon General Instructions

  • Full instructions!

Demon Prepare Menu

  • Add a whole new Prepare menu to your Klipperscreen! Gives you a single click ReadyUp feature, plus Prepare to load/unload.

    *Menu NOT available on the Sovol own brand Klipper screen unit, but macros still work as normal.

Demon Essentials

  • Easy and automatic single button press Macros to help you setup your printer.

  • Pressure_Advance_Test_Mode.

  • Stepper_Buzz_Cycle.

  • Printer_PID_Tune.

  • Probe_Z_Calibrate.

  • Auto_Shaper_X and Y.


  • The macros now check you are using the correct version files!



Copy the files here into a folder called Demon_KLIPPER_Essentials in your config folder on your printer.

Then, paste into your printer.cfg

[include ./Demon_KLIPPER_Essentials/*.cfg]

This will include all files in a folder called Demon_KLIPPER_Essentials in your ~/config folder.

Or you can use...

cd /home/pi/printer_data/config

NOTE: the above command is for a real Raspberry Pi, if you're using a cloned system that "/pi" folder will change to mks or btt or similar.

git clone https://github.com/3DPrintDemon/Demon_KLIPPER_Essentials.git

Then, paste into your printer.cfg

[include ./Demon_KLIPPER_Essentials/*.cfg]

This will bring these files into your system, be sure to comment out & NOT delete your current START & END PRINT Macros just yet!


Open & READ through the demon_general_instructions.txt file!!!

You must also build a series of new meshes with the bed temperature at the correct printing temps. call them...

  • default
  • ASA
  • ABS
  • PETG
  • TPU

Then Head over to here & download the companion Heat_Soak_Sovol.cfg to use with this START_PRINT Macro https://github.com/3DPrintDemon/Non_Blocking_Wait_Sovol/releases/tag/Heat_Soak_Timers_V1.0

If you don’t want or need you can comment out the _HEAT_WAIT lines. Or you can simply set the timer variables to 0 minutes in the user settings file if you wish to bypass the timers once the timer macro is installed.

Lastly to get the LED functionality you have to go into the HEAT_SOAK_SOVOL.cfg file & name your printer’s LED PIN so the Macro can control it. If you don’t do this it WONT WORK. They are set to my_led by default.

Now set your Demon_User_Settings & happy printing!


Whats that I hear you cry, you want more?! Ok I got you covered!

How about fully automated power on/off control with auto cool down & shutdown after a print finishes?! Plus have full control even after Klipper is in shutdown! What is this black magic?!!!

Find out here!


If thats not enough how about creating your very own online auto updating backup of all your config files here on Github in your own private repo?!



Watch: https://youtu.be/KZaZbgVa_8Q
