
Helps with raiding in crown of the gods browser game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Helps with raiding in crown of the gods browser game It uses proportions to calculate the right raiding numbers. How it functions: 1)It takes the home troop strength and type of troop from the city. 2)When you click the cavern it calculates the loot capacity and the troop strength needed of the praticular troop in the city. 3)It then divides the total loot capacity of the city(Loot capcaity of the troops at the city) to the loot capcity of the cavern to get the maximum raids possible from the city.

All the functions: -carry percentage of troops in war councilor raider. -carry percentage in command window. (carry percentage in command window is calculated on proportion bases so it will became wrong if your raid sent is not in the same proportion as troops in the city, adivce is to send using war coucnilor raider which sends in equal proportion using this script). -Recall button for raids less then 90% in command window. -Fills in the troop numbers in the region view when you click the cavern or boss. -Shows the troops needed in the region view city panel. -In war couniclor raider it has 2 buttons when you click the cavern to raid, USEALLTS and 115%. It fills in USEALLTS initailly into the raider.