
A code sample demonstrating how to use Azure Active Directory's preview functionality to issue and consume verifiable credentials.

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A code sample demonstrating issuance and verification of verifiable credentials.

Verifiable Credentials Code Samples

This code sample demonstrates how to use Microsoft Entra Verified ID to issue and consume verifiable credentials.

About these samples

Welcome to Microsoft Entra Verified ID. With the code samples, we'll teach you to issue a verifiable credential: a Verified Credential Expert Card. You'll then use this card to prove to a verifier that you are a Verified Credential Expert, mastered in the art of digital credentialing.

Screenshot of a verifiable ninja card

There are several samples:


The typical samples consist of 2 parts, an issuer and a verifier. The holder or user is using the wallet which is Microsoft Authenticator.

diagram of an issuer and a verifier

The samples are meant as a way to quickly understand the principles and the use of the Request API. If you are planning to create an application which needs to be run in production make sure you add proper error handling and other best practices.


For all the samples this are the minimum requirements:

  • An Android or IOS device.
  • Microsoft Authenticator installed on the mobile device.
  • An Azure Active Directory (free) tenant.
  • An Azure subscription where you have access to create an Azure Key Vault instance.

Refer to our documentation for more instructions on setting up your own Azure AD Verifiable Credentials environment.


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