
Node.js Base62 addon

Primary LanguageC++

A node.JS C++ addon for representing big numbers in base62.
Suitable for URL shortening services, or any other similar service.

It was written by Amir Mohammad Saied <amirsaied@gmail.com>.

To build the module run:

    node-waf configure build

This will produce `base62.node` binary module. To use it, make sure the
module's directory is in NODE_PATH.

The module exports two functions `encode`, and `decode`.


Encodes an integer to base62.

Here is a basic example:

    var sys = require('sys');
    var b62 = require('base62);


    /* Output: 8m0Kx */


Decodes a string to the original integer encoded by encode function.

    var sys = require('sys');
    var b62 = require('base62');


    /* Output: 123456789 */
