
A simple Leaflet plugin for creating legends with HTML elements

Primary LanguageHTMLISC LicenseISC


A simple Leaflet plugin for creating legends with HTML.

Tested with Leaflet 1.3.x


From NPM:

npm install leaflet-html-legend


Include the CSS:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="L.Control.HtmlLegend.css" />

Include the JavaScript:

<script src="L.Control.HtmlLegend.min.js"></script>


Option Type Default Description
position String 'topright' Map position of element
legend Array - Array of legend entries (see below for the structure)
collapseSimple bool false Whether to use compact presentation for legend entries that are from a simple renderer
detectStreched bool false Test to see if legend entries look stretched (these are usually in sets of 3 with the middle element having no label)
collapsedOnInit bool false Whether to initialize instance in collapsed mode
disableVisibilityControls bool false Whether to add visibility toggle button and opacity sliders
updateOpacity function null If set, this function is used to update opacity of the attached layer (it receives the layer and opacity as arguments)
defaultOpacity number 1 Default opacity for layers in specified in legends
visibleIcon String 'leaflet-html-legend-icon-eye' css class for the visible icon on opacity slider
hiddenIcon String 'leaflet-html-legend-icon-eye-slash' css class for the hidden icon on opacity slider
toggleIcon String 'leaflet-html-legend-icon-eye-slash' css class for the icon on visibility toggle button

Each entry in legends array can have the following keys:

  • name
  • array of elements

Each element has:

  • label (optional)
  • html (optional): string representaiton of an HTML elemnt that goes into the legend block
  • style (optional): an object containing css styling of the legend block

You can use addLegend method to add legends to existing instances of HtmlLegend:

var htmlLegend = L.control.htmllegend({...});
        name: 'Layer name',
        layer: layerInstance,
        elements: [{
            html: '<div>Legend description</div>'

An existing entry in a legend control instance can be removed using removeLegend. This method needs id of the entry, which can be obtained from htmllegend._entries (see the example for usage).

See the example for usage details.
