I personally recommend Restore Monitors instead of Monitor Toggler if you just happen to have Windows 7. Restore Monitors saves current settings of all monitors, and saves them to file. Afterwards you can change settings and restore the old settings from file.
Usage: restoremonitors7.exe [<-save>] <filename>
Capable of restoring monitors to saved state under Windows 7.
Uses Windows 7 CCD API to save, and restore the settings from
By giving only filename the program tries to open and restore
the saved settings in the file.
Used to save settings to file.
Prints '1' if current settings equals the one in the file,
otherwise '0' or ' ERROR:...'.
Authors: Rob Bresalier (2017)
Jari Pennanen (2010) <jari.pennanen@gmail.com>
License: FreeBSD License, see COPYING
Repository: http://github.com/Ciantic/monitortoggler
Usage: monitortoggler.exe <monitornumber> [<forceState>] [<apply>]
Capable of attaching and deattaching monitors from command line.
Note: Resolution / display settings should be configured from Windows dialog.
At least in Windows 7 the changes are saved to registry, and next time
you attach the same screen it retrieves same settings. Thus it seems
to be useless to define them while attaching.
Monitor number, this may, and usually differs from monitor numbers
in the screen resolution dialog. So you have to try several numbers
until you find the right one :)
forceState (optional):
-1 = Toggles. (Tries to get the current mode, and toggles.) (default)
1 = Attach
0 = Detach
apply (optional):
1 = Apply changes immediately (default)
0 = Do not apply changes
You have to call second time to apply changes
Author: Jari Pennanen (2010) <jari.pennanen@gmail.com>
License: FreeBSD License, see COPYING
Repository: http://github.com/Ciantic/monitortoggler