
dockerized Pyjnius

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Pyjnius Docker Appliance


This Dockerfile creates a simple docker-based environment for doing desktop development with Oracle Java 9 and pyjnius based on Ubuntu 14.04.


This is tested with docker 1.5.0 running on Ubuntu 14.04. Since it's main dependency is docker, it should run on any platform with docker installed (e.g. Windows, OS X). It may or may not work with earlier versions of docker. To install docker on your system, see the official docker installation instructions.


To build the docker image:

$ docker build -t user/pyjnius github.com/rbrewer123/docker-pyjnius

You should replace user with your own username in all of these instructions. You can see your new image with this command:

$ docker images


To get a root shell inside the container, do this:

$ docker run --rm -it user/pyjnius

The recommended way to run the container is as your own user. The container has a built-in script runasuser.sh to facilitate this. To see help on runasuser.sh, simply pass the -h flag to the container:

$ docker run --rm -it user/pyjnius -h

To run the java compiler inside the container as my own user, I use this:

$ docker run --rm -it user/pyjnius -U rbrewer -u 1000 -G rbrewer -g 1000 javac -version

To give the java compiler access to files in my current directory, add the docker -v flag to map the current directory to the container's working directory (/data):

$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/data user/pyjnius -U rbrewer -u 1000 -G rbrewer -g 1000 javac -version

It's handy to wrap that all up in a script, which I've done with the go script. Just modify it to use your user and group, and you can easily use your appliance to run java or pyjnius and access your local files:

$ ./go javac -version

To run a pyjnius script inside the appliance, simply do this:

$ ./go python testpy.py