
Strings and text available to be translated for 7 Weeks Android

7 Weeks Translations

Strings and text available to be translated for 7 Weeks Android

Please email me before translating!

I can be reached at ryan.brooks@7weeksapp.com and I'll reply to your email as quickly as I can.

How to translate

  1. Fork this repository or download the files directly if you are unfamiliar with Git. You can download them by pressing the download ZIP button to the right.

  2. For all translations, create a new directory. Name this directory the language you are translating the files to.

  3. Translate all files and text as you wish. Please pay attention to proper grammar and vocabulary in your translations. Alert me if there are any cultural translations that should be added too. If there are differences that require clarification, please don't hesitate to let me know. If a translation involves profanity or is crude in any way in your language, please let me know. We will find a way to re-word it!

  4. Either open up a new Pull Request if you used git and I will review the changes before accepting the translations. If you downloaded the files, email me the new files and I will add them once reviewed!

Thanks so much for translating!