
MassScan a target(s) and pass the output to Nmap version scanning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


masscan target(s) and pass the output to Nmap version scanning

Requires masscan, nmap and python 3.7


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Single target or file of newline seperated target(s)
                        to scan
  -n NMAP_FLAGS, --nmap-flags NMAP_FLAGS
                        Flags for Nmap
  -m MASSCAN_FLAGS, --masscan-flags MASSCAN_FLAGS
                        Flags for masscan
  -o OUT_FILE, --out-file OUT_FILE
                        Final result output
  -p TASK_POOL_SIZE, --task-pool-size TASK_POOL_SIZE
                        Set the maximum number of concurrent scans


Most arguments have sensible defaults, only target(s) are required.

The default flags to each application are:


-p1-65535 --rate=20000 --wait=1


-Pn -sV -T5 --min-rate 1500

Custom arguments to nmap and masscan can be supplied via the -m and -n arguments respectively, these will overwrite the defaults.

Output is written to heaven.csv in the current working directory by default.

Usage Examples

Single target

heavenlyglory.py -t

Targets from file

heavenlyglory.py -t ~/projects/targets.file

Single range, custom nmap flags

heavenlyglory.py -t --nmap-flags "-sCV -T3"

Installing in pipenv

pipenv install
pipenv shell

Running Tests

pipenv shell

Building docker

docker build -t heavenlyglory .

Running in docker

Scanning specific ports and getting outfile

docker run -v $(pwd):/heavenlyGlory/out --rm -it heavenlyglory -t -m "-p 80,443,445" -o out/heaven.csv

Using scope file

docker run -v $(pwd):/heavenlyGlory/out -v ~/test.scope:/heavenlyGlory/test.scope --rm -it heavenlyglory -t test.scope -o out/heaven.csv