Go Bank

This is a Go project that simulates a simple banking application.

Project Structure

  • Makefile: Contains commands for building, running, and testing the project.
  • README.md: This file, which provides an overview of the project.
  • api.go: Contains the API server logic for the banking application.
  • bin/gobank: The compiled binary of the application.
  • go.mod and go.sum: Go module files that handle dependencies.
  • main.go: The entry point of the application.
  • types.go: Contains type definitions used in the project.

Building the Project

You can build the project by running the following command:

make build

This will compile the Go files and output the executable binary to a directory named bin with the name gobank.

Running the Project

You can run the project by using the following command:

make run

This command will build the project (if it hasn't been built already) and then run the compiled binary.

Testing the Project

You can run the tests for the project with the following command:

make test

This command runs the tests in verbose mode for all packages in the current directory and its subdirectories.