
Guide to privacy settings for most major softwares and services.

MIT LicenseMIT


Privacy Settings

Name Version
(If Applicable)
Amazon -
Android 10 10 (Q)
Android 11 11 (R)
Android 12/12.1 12 (S), 12.1 (12L)
Android 13 13 (T)
Android 14 14 (U)
Android Studio -
Apple ID -
Brave Desktop 1.61.109
Brave Mobile 1.61.109
Brave Search -
ChatGPT -
Cromite 120.0.6099.144
Discord -
DuckDuckGo Search -
Facebook -
Firefox Desktop 121.0
Firefox Focus 121.0
Firefox Mobile/Fennec 121.0
Gboard (Google Keyboard)
Gmail -
Google Account -
Google Chrome/Ungoogled Chromium Desktop 120.0.6099.130
Google Chrome/Ungoogled Chromium Mobile 120.0.6099.115
Google Search -
Instagram -
LinkedIn -
Logi Options+ -
Logitech Options -
Microsoft Edge Desktop 120.0.2210.91
Microsoft Edge Mobile 120.0.2210.84
Proton Mail -
Reddit -
Signal -
Spotify -
Startpage Search -
Telegram -
Twitter (X) -
Visual Studio Code -
Vivaldi Desktop 6.5.3206.48
Vivaldi Mobile 6.4.3171.110
WhatsApp -
Windows 10 22H2 (OS Build 19045.3803)
Windows 11 23H2 (OS Build 22631.2861)
YouTube -
Zoom -

Extension Settings


All notable changes are accounted in the changelog.


Will following the settings mentioned here ensure complete privacy?

While following these settings can significantly minimize data collection and tracking by the mentioned services/software, it is important to note that absolute privacy and security on the internet are difficult to achieve. Even with these settings, there may still be some level of data collection or tracking. It is advisable to explore and utilize privacy-respecting alternatives whenever possible for enhanced privacy.

Why are privacy invading services like Facebook, Zoom, Google etc. mentioned here? Isn't this repo focused on privacy?

While the aim of this repo is to promote privacy, there may be instances where the use of privacy-invading services/software is necessary. For example, using Zoom for work meetings or a social media platform for business purposes. The goal here is to minimize data collection and enhance digital privacy as much as possible, even when using privacy-invading services/software. However, it is highly encouraged to explore and adopt better privacy-respecting alternatives whenever available and suitable for your needs.

The settings for a particular software/service was updated months ago, when will it be updated according to latest version?

Settings for softwares/services may not require frequent updates with each new version. If there have been no significant changes that affect the settings, it will not be updated. If the latest version is mentioned, the settings provided already apply to that version, even if they were last updated months ago.

Privacy Best Practices

  • Create strong passwords (preferably 10+ characters with a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters).
  • Avoid reusing passwords.
  • Utilize a password manager to generate and securely store unique passwords.
  • Follow the privacy settings recommended here.
  • Opt for privacy respecting alternatives for search engines, emails, browsers etc.
  • Enable multifactor authentication for added security.
  • Keep your apps and operating system updated.
  • Use open-source softwares and apps whenever possible (open-source doesn't always necessarily mean secure).
  • Regularly review and revoke unnecessary permissions for software and apps.
  • Share information sparingly & only provide what is necessary.
  • Consider using false information when appropriate (Never knowingly provide false information to legal entities, law enforcement, medical professionals, banks, etc.).
  • Utilize End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) messaging services.
  • Encrypt your devices for enhanced security.
  • Perform regular backups of your data.
  • Educate others and raise awareness about digital privacy. Spread the word!

Additional Resources

For better privacy respecting alternatives, reviews and more information, check out:

Recommendations, alternatives & reviews

Privacy news, blogs, guides & other stuff


If you want to help out with the project, here are some ideas:

  • iOS/macOS privacy settings.
  • Clean up/improve the Markdown.
  • Suggest new services/softwares or help improve the existing ones.
  • Translate it to your own language.
  • Anything else related to privacy or security.

Pull requests can be submitted here.


This project is licensed under the terms of MIT License.