
A fake data generator in JavaScript/CoffeeScript.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


A fake data generator in JavaScript/CoffeeScript.

While this repository is perfectly functional, I'd recommend you consider Faker.js, which is a similar framework that is both more featureful and more actively maintained.

Installing Phony

To install Phony with NPM, use:

    > npm install phony

or add a dependency such as:

    "dependencies" : {
      "phony" : "latest"

to your package.json file and run npm install.

Using Phony

The phony module exports a simple factory method, which you can use as follows:

    // JavaScript
    var phony = require('phony').make_phony(); 


    # CoffeeScript
    phony = require('phony').make_phony()

You can then use phony to generate a wide variety of fake data.


    coffee> phony.name()
    'Sylvia Robinson'
    coffee> phony.first_name()
    coffee> phony.surname()
    coffee> phony.male_name()
    'Brett Foster'
    coffee> phony.female_name()
    'Gina Holmes'
    coffee> phony.name(return:'map')
    { first_name: 'Steve', surname: 'Stephens' }
    coffee> phony.name(return:'array')
    [ 'Darlene', 'Clark' ]
    coffee> phony.male_name(return:'map')
    { first_name: 'Adam', surname: 'Watts' }


    coffee> phony.street()
    'Old Gordon Court'
    coffee> phony.street()
    'S Hermosa Drive'
    coffee> phony.street_address()
    '8172 South Ontario Circle'
    coffee> phony.postal_code()
    coffee> phony.zip_code()
    coffee> phony.city()
    coffee> phony.city()
    coffee> phony.state()
    coffee> phony.state()
    coffee> phony.city_state()
    'Indianapolis IN'
    coffee> phony.city_state_zip()
    'East Hartford CT 06108'

    coffee> phony.city_state_zip(return:"map")
    { city: 'Grand Forks',
      state: 'ND',
      postal_code: '58203' }


    coffee> phony.letters(4)
    coffee> phony.letters(4,delimiter:' ')
    'f t e b'
    coffee> phony.letters(4,delimiter:'-')
    coffee> phony.letters(4,delimiter:', ')
    'l, d, t, w'
    coffee> phony.word()
    coffee> phony.lorem_word()
    coffee> phony.words(10)
    'disquiets lance porta allotments jack nonprofessionals contributor 
    changing kristen catastrophe'
    coffee> phony.lorem_words(10)
    'fusce malesuada laoreet sed massa mi nullam vivamus nullam ut'
    coffee> phony.lorem_words(10)
    'sem dui cum id magnis enim penatibus et dignissim odio'
    coffee> phony.title()
    'Bayberry Butler Rosemary'
    coffee> phony.title()
    'Tamara Ulna'
    coffee> phony.lorem_title()
    'Feugiat Nisl Libero Risus'

    coffee> phony.lorem_sentence()
    'Proin neque massa, cursus ut, gravida ut, lobortis eget, lacus.'
    coffee> phony.lorem_sentences(2)
    'Phasellus purus. Nullam libero mauris, consequat quis, varius et, 
    dictum id, arcu.'

    coffee> phony.lorem_sentences(5,return:"array")
    [ 'Nullam libero mauris, consequat quis, varius et, dictum id, arcu.',
      'Sed bibendum.',
      'Donec hendrerit tempor tellus.',
      'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.',
      'Nulla posuere.' ]
    coffee> phony.lorem_paragraph()
    'Phasellus purus. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. Nunc porta vulputate

    coffee> phony.lorem_paragraphs(2)
    'Donec vitae dolor. Proin neque massa, cursus ut, gravida ut, lobortis 
    eget, lacus. Phasellus lacus. Praesent augue. Proin neque massa, 
    cursus ut, gravida ut, lobortis eget, lacus. Praesent fermentum 
    tempor tellus.'
    coffee> phony.lorem_paragraphs(3,return:"array")
    [ 'Integer placerat tristique nisl. Fusce commodo. Phasellus at dui 
      in ligula mollis ultricies.',
      'Nunc porta vulputate tellus. Fusce sagittis, libero non molestie 
      mollis, magna orci ultrices dolor, at vulputate neque nulla lacinia 
      eros. Praesent augue.',
      'Nulla posuere. In id erat non orci commodo lobortis. Pellentesque 
      dapibus suscipit ligula.' ]


    coffee> phony.domain_name()

    coffee> phony.domain_name()

    coffee> phony.domain_name()

    coffee> phony.host_name()

    coffee> phony.host_name()
    coffee> phony.host_name()

    coffee> phony.host_name()
    coffee> phony.username()
    coffee> phony.username()
    coffee> phony.username()

    coffee> phony.email_address()
    coffee> phony.email_address()

    coffee> phony.file_name()
    coffee> phony.file_name()
    coffee> phony.file_name()

    coffee> phony.file_path()
    coffee> phony.file_path()
    coffee> phony.file_path()
    coffee> phony.file_path_and_name()
    coffee> phony.file_path_and_name()
    coffee> phony.file_path_and_name()
    coffee> phony.uri()
    coffee> phony.uri()

    coffee> phony.uri()

    coffee> phony.uri()


This module is developed following the git-flow workflow/branching model.

The default master branch only contains the released versions of the code and hence may seem relatively stagnant (or stable, depending upon your point of view).

Most of the develop action happens on the develop branch or in feature branches.