
Slicer Testing Data Mirror

Primary LanguagePython


This is a mirror for storing Slicer testing data.

To support content-based addressing, files are uploaded as assets organized in releases named after the hashing algorithm.

For each hashing algorithm <HASHALGO> (MD5, SHA256, ...), you will find:

  • release named <HASHALGO>
  • a CSV file <HASHALGO>.csv listing all <hashsum>;<filename> pairs
  • markdown document <HASHALGO>.md with links of the form * [<filename>](https://github.com/Slicer/SlicerTestingData/releases/download/<HASHALGO>/<checksum>) (this file is regenerated on each upload from the CSV file, therefore files should be renamed or deleted by editing the CSV file)

The commands reported below should be evaluated in the same terminal session. See Documentation conventions

Upload files

  1. Install Prerequisites

  2. Copy files to upload in INCOMING directory.

  3. Run process_release_data.py script specifying your github token and upload command.

$ python process_release_data.py upload --github-token 123123...123
  1. Optional: Clear content of INCOMING directory if all files have been uploaded for each <HASHALGO>.

Download files

  1. Install Prerequisites

  2. Run process_release_data.py script specifying your github token, download command, and hash algorithm. If multiple versions of the same filename are available then the unique file names will be generated in the download folder by attaching the checksum to the end of each original filename.

$ python process_release_data.py download --github-token 123123...123

Rename a file

Download <HASHALGO>.csv file from the corresponding release, edit it, upload the modified version, and run process_release_data upload.

Note: Since each file is identified by hash sum, changing the filename does not affect the ability to find and download files. Filenames are only stored in the repository to allow generation of user-friendly file names.

Delete a file

Download <HASHALGO>.csv file from the corresponding release, remove the line referring to the file that should be deleted, upload the modified version, and run process_release_data upload. Remove the referred file from the release assets.

Note: Deleting files should be avoided (even if an old version of a file is replaced by a new one), because tests in earlier software versions may still expect to find previously uploaded files. Deleting is only recommended for immediate removal files that have just been uploaded by mistake.


  1. Download this project
$ git clone git://github.com/Slicer/SlicerTestingData
  1. Install Python and githubrelease package
$ pip install githubrelease
  1. Create a github personal access token with "repo" scope to get read/write access to the repository

Documentation conventions

Commands to evaluate starts with a dollar sign. For example:

$ echo "Hello"

means that echo "Hello" should be copied and evaluated in the terminal.