
Introduction to Iteratees

Primary LanguageScala

Example code and slides originating from a talk I gave at ScalaMUC on 2013-12-17.

The code has been split into two separate packages, pure and wrapped, which mainly differ in the implementation of the apply and run methods of both enumerators and iteratees. Worksheets with usage examples are contained in the worksheets folder.

Getting a grip on the basics of iteratees is supposedly easier by first looking at the "pure" implementation. Note that the "wrapped" implementation simply wraps the computations into the "monad-of-the-day" (aside from the fact that I've used Try for demonstration purposes which actually isn't a monad). Other frameworks implement this in a similar manner.

So far, enumeratees have only been implemented in the pure package (as a deliberate choice). Enumeratees effectively act as monad transformers where the type of the monad is fixed to Iteratee (which is also why the respective code is a little more advanced). Note that the corresponding methods may call the step functions of the transformed iteratees which means that exceptions cannot be avoided by simply wrapping enumeratees like it was done with the iteratees in the wrapped package.

Functional programming enthusiasts might want to check out scalaz's implementation. The latter is based on monad transformers and thus way more general once it comes to IO, Future and friends.