Through AWS console, provision an Elastic IP. Assign a tag “Project” with value “NetSPI_EIP” to it. Once it's available, write a Terraform code to implement following infrastructure resources:
- ✅ S3 bucket with private access permissions
- ✅ EFS volume
- ✅ An EC2 instance with SSH access
- ✅ All required resources like VPC, Subnets, Security Groups etc. to provision above mentioned resources
- ✅ An elastic IP provisioned in the step #1 should be assigned to the provisioned EC2 instance for its public IP
- ✅ An EFS volume should be mounted on the EC2 instance at /data/test while it boots up
- ✅ One should be able to write data to mounted EFS volume
- ✅ One should be able to write data to the provisioned S3 bucket (No AWS credentials should be stored/set on the EC2 instance)
- ✅ Terraform should display S3 Bucket ID, EFS volume ID, EC2 instance ID, Security Group ID, Subnet ID as part of output generated by Terraform apply command
Note: The instructions below assume that you have created an elastic ip with the tag “Project” with value “NetSPI_EIP”, as well as the terraform CLI installed and correctly configured to work with AWS. See the tutorial here for help getting started.
- Clone the repository.
git clone
cd devops-assignment
- Initialize terraform and review the plan.
terraform init
terraform plan
- Apply the plan.
terraform apply --auto-approve
- Wait a few moments for the resource creation to complete, then observe the outputs.
ec2_instance_id = "i-06427abcb8c316123"
ec2_sg_id = "sg-052486c2ca7809123"
efs_sg_id = "sg-0df3a2b0b19266123"
efs_volume_id = "fs-09c48c2162b977123"
elastic_ip = ""
s3_bucket_id = "netspi-screening-abc123"
subnet_id = "subnet-0199ab1758b03123"
- Connect to the new machine.
ssh -i ssh/foo.pem ec2-user@{{ elastic_ip_public_address }}
Note: In the ssh command above, substitute the public IP address of the elastic IP you created as part of pre-setup. For example: ssh ec2-user@
dd if=/dev/zero of=~/test bs=1024 count=1024
aws s3 cp ./test s3://netspi-screening-abc123
aws s3 ls s3://netspi-screening-abc123/
- Observe that the test file is present:
2023-03-24 01:23:37 10485760 test
dd if=/dev/zero of=/data/test/file bs=1024 count=10240
ls -al /data/test/
- Verify the file was created.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user 104857600 Mar 24 13:44 file
Open the EFS console in a web browser. After some time, observe that the "Total size" is now 10MB.
Once validation is complete, review the destroy plan and destroy the resources.
tf destroy