
Twitter data mining tool that scans tweets for user definable data sets.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


As of June, 6th 2018 this project moved to Gitlab that's why this repository is archived and thus read-only until it is entirely removed from Github. Repository removal is scheduled for September, 15th 2018.

Please report issues and request your merges through the new project home. All further discussion - even for existing issues - will take place there.

Thank you,


#AvivoreXT Build StatusCoverage Status

###The Twitter-searching Data Miner

AvivoreXT is a multi-threaded, Python-based tool that searches Twitter for keywords and then parses any tweets that are found. For maximum data coverage AvivoreXT uses a mix of issuing classic search queries to the Twitter API and monitoring the Twitter Streaming API.

A configuration file defines search terms and regular expressions that are used to extract data. It presently uses a SQLite back-end to store the data that is found and outputs results via stdout.

With the sample configuration file AvivoreXT looks for the following sort of data:

  • Phone numbers in NPA-NXX format (ex: 604-555-1212)
  • IPv4 addresses (
  • Blackberry PINs (ABCDEF12)

Of course, more data sets can be defined in the configuration file.

AvivoreXT is based on Avivore originally developed by Colin Keigher.


The master branch of this repository is the main development branch. It likely will contain unstable versions of the AvivoreXT code from time to time. If you're looking for stable code versions use either the provided releases or clone from the stable branch.




Follow these installation steps in order to install AvivoreXT in a virtual python environment. In case virtualenv is not available on your system, you'll need to install package python-virtualenv for Debian/Ubuntu based distros or Archlinux.

  1. Clone AvivoreXT repository:

     $ git clone https://github.com/rc0r/AvivoreXT
  2. Create a virtual environment using virtualenv pointing it to python2.7 (we don't have Python3 support yet):

     $ cd AvivoreXT
     $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 venv
  3. Switch to virtual environment:

     $ source venv/bin/activate
  4. Run the provided setup script to install AvivoreXT and all requirements:

     $ python setup.py install
  5. Now in your virtual environment you can run AvivoreXT like this:

     $ avivore --help

Now you're almost good to go. Check the next section for configuration and usage instructions.

###Configuration & Usage

First, an AvivoreXT configuration file needs to be created. Probably the easiest way to do this is to make a copy from the provided sample configuration file. Now, with the editor of your choice set configuration options consumer_key and consumer_secret in section twitter_auth. Both values can be obtained from https://dev.twitter.com/apps after registration of a new Twitter app. Comments explain all remaining options in the config file. After defining data sets and search terms as needed you're good to go. Both are located in sections twitter_search_objects and twitter_search respectively. Tracking keywords that are used to monitor the Twitter Streaming API can be configured by setting the option stream_tracking_keyword which is also found in section twitter_search. Check out the sample config file sample.conf for more information regarding the configuration options!

Running AvivoreXT is quite easy:

$ cp sample.conf avivore.conf
# edit config file according to needs
# start mining
$ python ./avivore.py -c avivore.conf

When AvivoreXT is executed for the first time you'll be redirected to your browser to authenticate AvivoreXT to your user account. This is necessary because access to the Twitter Streaming API requires user based authentication. After you approved AvivoreXT in your browser, a PIN number is displayed. Switch back to the terminal and enter it. This step has to be performed only once. The generated user tokens will be stored in the credentials file that was set in the configuration file (option credentials_file in section twitter_auth).

An alternative to using a classic configuration file is to use a SQLite3 database that holds the AvivoreXT settings. Check out the provided sample_conf.db for the necessary tables and table layouts. It is possible to use the same database file for configuration and data storage. When using an appropriate front-end database configuration allows for remote miner setup. To run AvivoreXT with a database configuration use:

$ python ./avivore.py -d sample_conf.db

Be sure to add both consumer_key and consumer_secret in table config of sample_conf.db before running AvivoreXT!

###Notes on a front-end

Since AvivoreXT uses a SQLite3 database there exist quite a few options to use some kind of graphical front-end for database management and inspection. Recently I have been using sqliteboy (see screenshots below) as it is quite lean, provides a clean web interface and allows for remote database access.

If the need arises for special AvivoreXT-related features, it's conceivable to integrate a similar interface into AvivoreXT with some useful extensions. If you think there's such a feature or AvivoreXT should have an integrated front-end, just let me know. Ideas and feature requests are always welcome.


You've got an idea for a nice AvivoreXT feature, found some bugs or just want to get your hands on some AvivoreXT coding? Then you're kindly invited to check out the Issues section of the repo for feature requests, open tasks or any questions you might have. Your pull requests with some bugfix or some shiny new feature are always welcome! Don't know where to start? Following you'll find a (rather incomplete) list of things that would be nice to have:

  • python3 support
  • notification support (see #8)
  • add more data sources (just to name a few: pastebin, google, facebook, reddit)
  • more tests! (perspective: some integrated build, test, deployment work flow)
  • some neat UI for configuration and result display (preferentially web based)
  • documentation! (both code and user docs)
  • anything else found in Issues

Feel free to get in touch outside of Github. My Twitter handle is @_rc0r.


AvivoreXT v1.2.1 back-end


sqliteboy featured web front-end
