
deadmanssnitch terraform provider - https://deadmanssnitch.com

Primary LanguageGo



refs to create a new terraform-provider written in Go

https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/plugin


Terraform provider based on deadmanssnitch API core system: https://deadmanssnitch.com/docs/api/v1


  • Deadmanssnitch API-KEY
  • Go 1.18+
  • Terraform v1.0.3+
  • Docker and Docker-Compose

Terraform Provider Actions

Post Fields

  • name [string]
  • interval [string]
    • opts: | 1_minute | 2_minute | 3_minute | 5_minute | 10_minute | 15_minute | 30_minute | hourly | 2_hour | 3_hour | 4_hour | 6_hour | 8_hour | 12_hour | daily | weekly | monthly
  • alert_type [string]
    • opts: basic | smart | default: basic
  • alert_mail [array|string|null]
  • notes [string|null]
  • tags [array|null]

Result Fields

  • name [string]
  • href [string]
  • token [string]
  • notes [string|null]
  • created_at [string] or [timestamp]
  • check_in_url [string]
  • checked_in_at ??
  • status [string]
  • tags [array|null]
  • type [map[string][string]]
  • interval [string]
  • alert_type [string]
    • opts: basic | smart | default: basic
  • alert_mail [array|string|null]

Create a Snitch

  • POST request to path /v1/snitches

with commandline

curl -X POST -d '{"name":"Daily Backups","interval":"daily"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches

Update a Snitch

  • Request to path /v1/snitches/[token]

with command line

curl -i -X PATCH -d '{"name":"Daily Backups","interval":"daily","notes":"Postgres box at","tags": ["production", "critical"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <api_key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2

Delete a snitch

  • DELETE request to path /v1/snitches/[token]
curl -i -X DELETE -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2
  • The response will be empty, with 204 (no contet) HTTP status code

Filtering by Tags(s)

  • GET request to /v1/snitches
curl -u <api-key>:
  • If no snitches match the filter, the response will be empty array

Adding one or more tags to a snitch

  • POST request to path /v1/snitches/[token]/tags

with command line

curl -i -X POST -d '["production"]' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2/tags

Removing one or more tags to a snitch

  • DELETE request to path /v1/snitches/*c2354d53d2*/tags/*tag_name*

with command line

curl -i -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2/tags/critical

Changing tags on snitch

  • PATCH request to path /v1/snitches/[token]

with command line

curl -i -X PATCH -d '{"tags": ["staging", "backup"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2

Pausing a Snitch

  • POST request to path /v1/snitches/[token]/pause
curl -i -X POST -u <api-key>: https://api.deadmanssnitch.com/v1/snitches/c2354d53d2/pause
  • The response will be empty, with 204 (no content) HTTP status code

Error responses

  • If request JSON malformed
  • Return 422 (unprocessable Entity)
  • type resource_invalid
  "type": "resource_invalid",
  "error": "The requested resource attributes are not valid.",
  "validations": [
      "attribute": "name",
      "message": "can't be blank"
      "attribute": "interval",
      "message": "can't be blank"
  • If request invalid interval
  • Return tpe resource_invalid
  "type": "resource_invalid",
  "error": "The requested resource attributes are not valid.",
  "validations": [
      "attribute": "interval",
      "message": "must be \"15_minute\", \"30_minute\", \"hourly\", \"daily\", \"weekly\", or \"monthly\""
  • Max number of snitches in your plan
  • Return status code 422
  • type plan_limit_reached
  "type": "plan_limit_reached",
  "error": "We could not create your snitch because you are at your plan limit of 1 snitch! Delete an unused snitch, or head over to https://deadmanssnitch.com/ to upgrade your plan."
  • API Key Error Responses

incorrect api-key will return 401 (Unauthorized) HTTP status code

  "type": "api_key_invalid",
  "error": "Access denied. Provide your API Key as the user for HTTP Basic Authentication."