This is a simulation environment that is designed for developing robot software for Carnegie Mellon University's Mobot challenge

It is built on top of the Unity game engine. Download and install Unity, clone this repo, and then open this project in Unity.

Currently, it produces a Motion PNG stream with the images from the simulated robot camera. This stream can be viewed by running the simulator in Unity and then opening test_stream.html in a web browser like Chome or Firefox (other browsers may not support Motion PNG). Once the simulation is running, the robot camera can be moved around by selecting Robot Camera in the scene hierarchy and then changing its position/rotation. You should see the images in the stream updating to match this movement.

Upcoming work will be to add a simulation of the robot's drive system and inertial sensors.

Note: This public version of the repo doesn't include nice textures for the grass and concrete because of licensing requirements for the assets purchased in the Unity Asset Store. The private version of this repo uses "Grass 8" from True PBR Materials: Grass and "Concrete Floor" from Procedural Materials Vol 4