Machine Learning–Based Models for Steel Furnace Automation

This repo contains code and datasets related to Steel Furnace Automation


Probability Density Functions (PDFs) from Neural Networks

Modeling Probability Density Functions (PDFs) from neural nets has many applications in the Engineering Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Finance, and many other fields. These PDF predicting models are used in regression type problems which predict real valued numbers in a given range. The goal of the neural network model is to learn how to represent the probability distribution of the underlying data. The PDF should add to 1.

Two important types are:

  • Mixture Density Networks (MDN)
  • PDF Shaping

Mixture Density Networks (MDN)

For a detail description of MDNs see my Jupyter notebook here:

In essence, MDNs for the gaussian case are neural nets that given x inputs, can learn to predict a y value plus its max variance range. The neural net has 2 outputs instead of just one. The predicted y outputs can be thought of as the mean and sigma values given input x.

PDF Shaping

In an industrial process, you can learn the shape of your real output PDF function by comparing it to an ideal distribution function. This is called PDF shaping and it has many applications in stochastic control systems. Literature on PDF shaping can be found here (Wang and Wang, 2021; Hong et al., 2021).

The general function of some random variable in a process can be represented as follows:

$$ y = g(x) = f(x) + e(x) $$

where f(x) is the function and e(x) is the noise or error.

It is assumed that a deep neural network will learn the f(x) and e(x) functions together and so g(x) will be learned entirely using a neural network. Unlike regular regression models which learn to predict y values given input values x. In PDF shaping, the neural net learns to predict probabilities given x inputs. Here, given a range of values, the model should predict the probability of that range.

The PDF shape of g(x) is not known and it should not be assumed to be a normal distribution. Since the true distribution is not known, years of research (Wang and Wang, 2021) have shown that a next best approach is to approximate this unknown distribution to an ideal distribution. Therefore, the goal in PDF shaping is to force the true distribution to become as much as possible like the normal distribution with a very narrow variance and mean of the target variable in question. This is also called an impulse function.

As such, the loss function you are trying to optimize is as follows:

$$ J = min \sum \limits _{i} ^{n} ( g(x) - I(x) )^2 $$

where g(x) is entirely learned by the neural network, and I(x) is the ideal function (impulse function) defined as a gaussian with very narrow standard deviation and the mean of the target output variable. As such, I(x) can be modelled with the standard gaussian equation.

$$ \large I(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{- \frac{(x - \mu)^2}{2 \sigma ^2} } $$

The code in this repo (written in python) is the companion to the notebook:


Machine Learning for System Control


Ricardo A. Calix, Ph.D.


Released as is with no warranty