Adopt Don't Shop Paired Project

BE Mod 2 Week 2/3 Pair Project

Application Description

"Adopt Don't Shop Paired" is a fictitious pet adoption platform where visitors can favorite pets and apply to adopt their newest furry friend.

There are no different user levels so all visitors can do the following:

  • Create, Edit, and Delete Shelters
  • Create, Edit, and Delete Pets
  • Create, Edit, and Delete Reviews for Shelters


  • Pets are created by going through a Shelter page into their pet page. Pets require a name, sex, age, description and image. Image is a url path to an image. Failure to input all the correct information will result in a flash message with what is missing.
  • Pets can be edited through the Pet show page. Similar requirements to creating a pet.
  • Pets can also be favorited through the Pet Show page.
  • Pets can only be deleted if they don't have an approved application on them.


  • Shelters can be created through the Shelter index page. All fields are required.
  • Shelters can be deleted from the Shelter Index page as well as their show page. Deleting a shelter will remove all of it's pets as long as they don't have an approved application.
  • Reviews for shelters can be left through each Shelter Review page. They require a title, rating, and description. If an image isn't provided a default one will be used.


  • Any favorited pet can be applied for adoption.
  • All favorited pets will appear as an option on the Adoption Application. A minimum of one pet has to be applied for.
  • Any pets applied for are removed from the favorites.
  • Pets can be approved through the application. To revoke an approval, it has to be done through the apporving Application.


  • Clone down the repo
  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails db:{create,migrate,seed} to setup the database
  • Run rails s and navigate your browser to localhost:3000 to use the development database

