MicroProfile.io WordPress site

The https://MicroProfile.io site has been revamped to the WordPress (WP) platform for easier use and maintenance. To provide feedback on how to improve the new site, please use the GitHub issues tab above to enter your requests/suggestions.

What is a WP-Contributor:

Contributor: is somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them


The Editors who volunteer to get your videos & written content published:


About Contributor's blog & video posts

Everyone in the community is encouraged to submit blogs and videos on MicroProfile.io. The process to submit a post is described below.

NOTE for the new Contributor: If this is the first time you're submitting a blog or setting up a post on MicroProfile.io to redirect to an existing blog, please send an email to:

NOTE for the Editors: If you choose to own the incoming request from a new contributor recieved via open channels, please follow up directly on the forum to inform not only the Contributor but the other Editors that you are owning the task and will complete the follow up.

NOTE for potential Editors: as of 12/12/18 28 Contributors. You are most welcomed to help process. How? Use the forum two emails above and state you would like to be an Editor.

Case 1: You plan to write and host your post on the MicroProfile.io site, i.e. blog post is NOT a redirect to another existing blog URL

  1. Log in to the WordPress console and enter your WordPress credentials (these were in an email you received when you were added to MicroProfile.io as a "contributor")

  2. On the left margin of the console, click on "Posts->Add New"

  3. Write your new blog using the WordPress user interface

  4. Choose a category and enter tags on the right side of the screen in the “tags” box. (These are keywords related to the topic of your post).

  5. Scroll down to the "Feature Image" widget and upload an image by clicking on the "Set feature image" link. The image should be between 1600px - 2000px wide and have a minimum height of 500px for best results.

  6. When done entering your blog post, click on the “Submit for Review” button. This will effectively put the blog post on the WP blog inbox for all WP admins. As a writer, you are done at this point.

  7. Write a short email notifying the MP forum to to microprofile@googlegroups.com AND cc'd microprofile-marketing@googlegroups.com about your video or blog contribution.

  8. Available Editors review your blog and approval to post by reviewer or a peer Editor is contengeant on "suggestive edits". If your post needs copy/editing, you will receive a notification so that you can edit your post with the necessary corrections and re-submit.

Case 2: If blog post is a redirect to another URL (post content is not hosted at WP MP.io)

  1. Log in to the WordPress console and enter your WordPress credentials (these were in an email you received when you were added to MicroProfile.io as a "contributor")

  2. On the left margin of the console, click on "Posts->Add New"

  3. In the "Enter title here" text field of the screen "Add New Post", copy and paste the title of the existing post

  4. Paste the URL of your blog post into the text box. This allows the admins to review your post to determine eligibility for posting on MicroProfile.io.

  5. Paste the first three lines of your blog post right below the URL you pasted in the previous step.

  6. On the right side of the screen, select a category and add tags to the post. Tags are keywords related to the topic of your article.

  7. Scroll down to the "Feature Image" widget and upload an image by clicking on the "Set feature image" link. The image should be between 1600px - 2000px wide and have a minimum height of 500px for best results.

  8. Click on the “Submit for Review” button. This will effectively put the blog post on the WordPress blog inbox for all WordPress admins. As a writer, you are done at this point.

  9. Write a short email notifying the MP forum to to microprofile@googlegroups.com AND cc'd microprofile-marketing@googlegroups.com about your video or blog contribution.

The next steps apply to the Editors.

  1. As an Editor, log in to WordPress console.

  2. Click on "All Posts" on the left margin of the console and click on the appropriate blog post to review

  3. Cut and paste the URL that the submitter entered in the body of the post and open it up in a separate browser window.

  4. Editor reviews the blog post for compliance to criteria (see "Criteria for approving blog posts" section below). If the post needs re-working, change the "Status" of the post to "Draft". This will send the post back to the writer to correct and re-submit. Editor needs to follow this with an email to the writer with details on what needs to be corrected. If the post satisfies the compliance criteria, then continue to the next step.

  5. Editor must click on "Tools->Redirection" on the left margin of the console

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  1. Editor must enter the URLs in the “Source URL” (this is the "Permalink" displayed under the blog post Title textfield - take care to copy only the portion of the "Permalink" needed AND that the URL ends with a "/" character) and “Target URL” (URL that writer included as the first line in the body of the submitted blog post) text fields in the "Redirections" section of the screen. Then click on the button “Add Redirect”

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  1. Click on "All Posts" on the left margin of the console and click back on the appropriate blog post. At this point, to approve for immediate or future scheduling, click on the "Publish" button

  2. Editor must refresh website and test the redirect link

Criteria for approving blog posts

The following are some of the criteria that an admin will use when reviewing your submitted blog post:

  • Check that post has the author name

  • Check that post has a “Page Header Image”

  • The image should be between 1600px - 2000px wide and have a minimum height of 500px for best results.

  • Check for grammatical errors - admin can fix this

  • Check for TMs and copyrights - admin can fix this or send back to author to fix

  • Ensure content of post is relevant and applicable to Microprofile