
Docker Compose reference deployment

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Compose Deployment

Old compose repo is deprecated and moved to Legacy do not use it. Please.


For Fresh Production Install

  1. Get 2 Postgres (ver >= 12) databases for uaa and report (NOT ON THE SAME SERVER with TESTOPS). You can get SAAS Databases from your cloud provider. Amazon AuroraDB is also supported. If you have everything self-hosted, get one from Official Postgres Vendor
  2. Install RabbitMQ on SEPARATE Server.
  3. Install Minio on SEPARATE Server. (If you have AWS S3 or Ceph, skip this step)
  4. Install Docker:
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
chmod +x get-docker.sh
  1. mkdir -p /opt/allure-testops
  2. cp testops/docker-compose.yml /opt/allure-testops/
  3. cp testops/env-example /opt/allure-testops/.env
  4. Edit /opt/allure-testops/.env with your favourite text editor.
  5. cd /opt/allure-testops/
  6. docker compose up -d
  7. Set your LoadBalancer to proxy traffic to 8080 port (Gateway)

If you want TestOps to use SSO, copy testops-{auth} instead on steps 6-7, for example NOT testops but testops-ldap For ENV reference please watch References

For Fresh Demo Install

This Kind of installation is NOT PRODUCTION GRADE. Use it only for testing. In case you lose data, please don't blame us. There is nothing we can do in this case.

  1. Install Docker:
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
chmod +x get-docker.sh
  1. mkdir -p /opt/allure-testops
  2. cp testops-demo/docker-compose.yml /opt/allure-testops/
  3. cp testops-demo/env-example /opt/allure-testops/.env
  4. Edit /opt/allure-testops/.env with your favourite text editor.
  5. cd /opt/allure-testops/
  6. docker compose up -d
  7. Set your LoadBalancer to proxy traffic to 8080 port (Gateway)

Lego Approach

This may help you to migrate to production grade deployment

Release notes

2022-11-03 For forthcoming releases we've added ALLURE_JWT_SECRET to allure report, uaa

When using releases after 4.9.2 (excluding it) all the services will require ALLURE_JWT_SECRET to start.

ALLURE_JWT_SECRET should be the same for all the services, i.e. to be set via .env