
📝 Today I Learned

MIT LicenseMIT


Today I Learned

A collection of concise write-ups on small things I learn day to day.

I used to keep a similar HOWTO section over at my blog, but the idea of experimenting with a fresh, public repository of useful snippets is appealing to me, and it is much better than a bunch of random gists.

Some of these are actually backlog items I have learned over the years but keep misplacing, so they're not always "fresh" info.




Raspberry Pi



I was spurred to do this after browsing through jbranchaud/til, which is an especially good example of the genre.

It is also quite easy to navigate (and search) inside GitHub, VSCode and a CLI prompt, so that's a plus.


© 2020 Rui Carmo

This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.