About this project

Scale Container Apps application based on events. This example uses the size of a Service Bus queue as a scaling trigger.

Currently using azapi_resource to create the Container Apps resources since there's no module in terraform as of now.




Create the Container Registry using terraform

$ cd terraform
$ az login
$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -var 'order-app=<resource_group_name>' -target azurerm_container_registry.order-app
$ terraform apply -target azurerm_container_registry.order-app

Build the order-app images using ACR Tasks

cd apps/order-consumer
az acr build -r <acr_name> --image order-consumer:v1 .
cd apps/order-producer
az acr build -r <acr_name> --image order-producer:v1 .

Deploy remaining resources using terraform

$ cd terraform
$ terraform plan -var 'order-app=<resource_group_name>'
$ terraform apply

Watch the Consumer App replica count increase as messages are produced by the Producer App (az containerapp replica list takes a while to reflect the actual count)

$ az containerapp replica list --name order-consumer --resource-group <resource_group> -o table
$ az servicebus queue show --resource-group <resource_group> --namespace-name <servicebus_namespace> --name orders -o table --query 'messageCount'

Remove the Producer App and watch the Consumer scale to zero

$ cd terraform
$ terraform destroy -target azapi_resource.order-producer
$ az containerapp replica list --name order-consumer --resource-group <resource_group> -o table