
django-datatable is a customizable table application of django based on jquery datatable.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




django-datatable is a simple Django app to origanize data in tabular form and based on datatable and bootstrap.

It is worth mention that design of this project makes reference to django-table2 and mainly for the purpose of learning. I really appreciate that anyone make pull-request to improve it.


  • Python 2.x

  • jQuery 1.6+

  • Bootstrap 3.0

  • Django 1.5+

Quick start

  • Setup Django-datatable application in Python environment:

      $ python setup.py install
  • Add "table" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:

  • Define a simple model named Person:

      # example/app/models.py
      class Person(models.Model):
          name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
  • Add some data so you have something to display in the table. Now define a PersonTable class without any options in table file.

      # example/app/tables.py
      from models import Person
      from table import Table
      from table.columns import Column
      class PersonTable(Table):
          id = Column(field='id')
          name = Column(field='name')
          class Meta:
              model = Person

    And pass a table instance to the view.

      # example/app/views.py
      from django.shortcuts import render
      from app.tables import PersonTable
      def people(request):
          people = PersonTable()
          return render(request, "index.html", {'people': people})
  • Finally, implement the template:

      {# example/templates/index.html}
      {% load static %}
      {% load table_tags %}
      <link href="{% static 'css/bootstrap.min.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
      <script src="{% static 'js/jquery.min.js' %}"></script>
      <script src="{% static 'js/bootstrap.min.js' %}"></script>
      <!DOCTYPE html>
              <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
              <div class="container" style="margin-top: 10px">
                  <br />
                  {% render_table people %}


Render the whole table by simple tag {% render_table %}, pass Table instance as single argument.

{% render_table table %}


  • Model

    Use a django MTV model as table data source, and queries all data in database by default. see model in table options for details.

  • QuerySet

    Similiar to Model, but pass queryset when you initialize table instance instead of defining model option. Basically, it used to filtering or sorting data your want to display in table.


      # models.py
      class Person(models.Model):
          name = models.CharField(max_length=100)


      # tables.py
      from models import Person
      from table import Table
          from table.columns import Column
      class PersonTable(Table):
          id = Column(field='id')
          name = Column(field='name')


      # views.py
      from django.shortcuts import render
      from models import Person
      from app.tables import PersonTable
      def people(request):
          people = PersonTable(Person.objects.all())
          return render(request, "index.html", {'people': people})
  • Dict-List

    Use a list of directories as table data source. Fields which declared in columns correspond to the keys of directory.


      # tables.py
      from table import Table
      from table.columns import Column
      class PersonTable(Table):
          id = Column(field='id')
          name = Column(field='name')


      # views.py
      from django.shortcuts import render
      from app.tables import PersonTable
      def people(request):
      	data = [{'id': 1, 'name': 'John'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Tom'}]
          people = PersonTable(data)
          return render(request, "index.html", {'people': people})
  • Ajax

    For large number of data, load them on front-end entirely is impossible. So, django-table provides a simle option 'ajax' to load data from server-side asynchronous.

    Note that once toggle ajax, model option is necessary. Django-table will make paging/searching/sorting based on ModelClass.objects.all().


      # urls.py
      urlpatterns = patterns('',
          url(r'^table/', include(table.urls')),


      # tables.py
      from table import Table
      from table.columns import Column
      class PersonTable(Table):
          id = Column(field='id')
          name = Column(field='name')
          class Meta:
              model = Person
              ajax = True

    If you want to customize base data, use ajax_source option and implement your own Class-based View by subclassing FeedDataView.


      # tables.py
      class PersonTable(Table):
          id = Column(field='id')
          name = Column(field='name')
          class Meta:
              model = Person
              ajax = True
              ajax_source = reverse_lazy('table_data')


      # urls.py
      urlpatterns = patterns('',
          url(r'^table/data/$', MyDataView.as_view(), name='table_data'),


      # views.py
      from table.views import FeedDataView
      from app.tables import PersonTable
      class MyDataView(FeedDataView):
          token = PersonTable.token
          def get_queryset(self):
              return super(MyDataView, self).get_queryset().filter(id__gt=5)


  • Column

  • Link Column

  • Datetime Column

  • Checkbox Column

  • Sequence Column

  • Calendar Column


  • search-box

  • info-label

  • pagination

  • length-menu

  • extense-button

API Reference