
Repo to deploy and configure an RHACM lab

Primary LanguageShell

RH ACM Deployment and Configuration 🧙

Repo to deploy and configure an RHACM lab using GitOps!


There are two ways of install this lab, or step by step or in an automatic deployment using a all-in-one script.

NOTE: Fully working in AWS. In the future, other cloud providers will be added.


  • Basic: Install only RHACM with RBAC and Sealed Secrets. No Addons installed.
  • Full: Install RHACM with Addons (Observability, CSO, OPA, etc)

Automatic Deployment

Step by Step


After the installation, you will get all the elements of the lab installed using GitOps and Argocd:

You will have installed the following resources:

  • ArgoCD
  • Dex (for ArgoCD OAuth integration)
  • OAuth Htpasswd Authentication
  • OCP RBAC (Users and Groups)
  • Sealed Secrets
  • RHACM Operator
  • RHACM MultiClusterHub
  • RHACM Observability [full mode]
  • Container Security Operator [full mode]

A quick look of the Operators installed is: