
Repository for deploy Service Mesh cluster, microservices examples and objects through gitops

Primary LanguageSmartyMIT LicenseMIT

Mesh GitOps

Repository for deploy Service Mesh cluster, microservices examples and objects through gitops


1. Bootstrap (Helm3)

Deploy ArgoCD and the Namespaces / Services Accounts needed for this environment

helm template bootstrap/bootstrap-project/ | oc apply -f-
helm template bootstrap/argocd-operator/ | oc apply -f-

ArgoCD login with SSO of Openshift:

argocd login $(oc get route argocd-server --template='{{ .spec.host }}' -n labs-ci-cd):443 --sso --insecure

2. ServiceMesh Operator (ArgoCD)

Provision the Application in ArgoCD and let the gitops from ArgoCD deploy

helm template mesh-provision/ | oc apply -f-

This automatically provisions the mesh-operators and the mesh-controlplane objects into the cluster