
Repository for install ACS as GitOps

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

RHACS Installation using Openshift GitOps

Repository for install Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes using Openshift GitOps and/or ACM

1. Prerequisites

Bootstrap Openshift GitOps / ArgoCD

until oc apply -k bootstrap/base/; do sleep 2; done

2. ACS with GitOps

This demo contains 4 modes of Installation

  • A - Argo App of Apps
  • B - ApplicationSets
  • C - ACM Applications (WIP)
  • D - ACM ApplicationSet (WIP)

A - Install ACS through gitops using App of Apps (in local cluster)

oc apply -k acs-deploy/applications

B - Install ACS through gitops using ApplicationSets (in local cluster)

oc apply -k acs-deploy/applicationsets

C - Install ACS from ACM using Argo Applications (in multiple managed clusters)

  • Under Construction

D - Install ACS from ACM using Argo ApplicationSets (in multiple managed clusters)

oc apply -k acm-gitops/applicationsets
  • ACM ApplicationSets management from GitOps

  • Application for manage the ArgoApplicationSets for deploy ACS among others

  • Installation of ACS from ApplicationSet automatically

3. Video of the Demo
