Developer Skills Activity

This repository contains a new responsive promo widget, shown at two different sizes. Fork the repo and create the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the widget as illustrated in the Widget Image. We should be able to clone the repo and load an index.html in the browser to interact with the widget.

See how far you can make it in 2 hours, but you don't need to spend any more than 2 hours on your solution. You will be asked to explain your code. Please target modern(ish) browsers (FF/Chrome/Safari/IE9+), but the widget will need to function in IE8. Include graceful degredation and/or fallbacks when necessary.

Please code the page according to industry best practices and organize the assets as you would if handing off to a co-worker to integrate (not necessarily to deploy).

Don't overthink it. This is just a conversation starter.




The format and parameters for this exercise were inspired by the skills assessment put together by Red Interactive Agency.