

Primary LanguageGo

golang challenge 3

Instructions for running.

# Fetch images from Instagram.
mosaicly fetch -tag cat -num 1000

# Generate a mosaic from cat photos
mosaicly gen -tag cat -in photo.jpg -out mosaic.jpg

# Or generate a mosaic using images in any directory
mosaicly gen -imgdir ~/Pictures -in photo.jpg -out mosaic.jpg

Advanced options:

-units    - change how many mosaic tiles are used
-unitSize - set how big the mosaic tiles are
-shrink   - how much to reduce the the final image, as a percent

Running tests:

# Unit tests
go test ./...

# Integration test the command line client

# Integration test the JSON API

This is an official entry.


  • Build color palette of Len N from images on hand
  • Take Original image
  • Grid = Convert Original to grid
  • PatternImage = Draw Grid as pixels with FloydSteinberg and palette (dither)
  • Output = new image as pixels * unit size
  • For each pixel in PatternImage, pull an image from the palette and place it at x,y
  • http://tech-algorithm.com/articles/nearest-neighbor-image-scaling/