
A simple PHP tool that uses each OS text-to-speech CLI

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP Text-to-speech

This library is a simple tool to make your computer speak whatever you want.

The tool uses the CLI tool for Linux and Mac, and COM object SAPI.SpVoice for Windows.


To simply make your computer speak, you can directly run:

$ php vendor/bin/speak "Text you want it to speak"

If you want to use this library in your code, it's as simple as:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$speaker = createSpeaker();
$speaker->speak('Text you want it to speak');


This library needs PHP 8 or greater.


COM extension. Just add extension=com_dotnet to your php.ini file and you should be good.


None (say command is installed by default)


You will need spd-say or espeak installed. In most distros one of these are already installed, so you should be good.



When using Docker you need to make sure you have an audio device linked from you host machine to your container.

You can add the device flag with /dev/snd. Example:

$ docker rum --rm -itv $(pwd):/app -w /app --device /dev/snd php:latest php example.php


On Mac you would need pulseaudio. Check instructions here: https://devops.datenkollektiv.de/running-a-docker-soundbox-on-mac.html


This was not tested with Docker for Windows. Maybe this can be helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52890474/how-to-get-docker-audio-and-input-with-windows-or-mac-host