- WorkFlow ================================================================================================
- Write a simple application per the following instruction:
- Use Appium Webdriver
- Open Mobile Browser. (Chrome for Android, Safari for iOS)
- Browse to http://m.slashdot.org/
- Print how many articles are on the page
- Print a list of unique (different) icons used on article titles and how many times was it used
- Create a bookmark for this page
- Return the title of the created bookmark
- Scroll to end of page and navigate to Desktop Site
- Verify URL of desktop site, scroll down page and select Mobile Site
[] To Get this project running on an OSX machine, install the following:
- java jdk 8
- maven
- IntelliJ IDE (community edition) (Any other Java IDE like eclipse should also be fine, but I haven't tried it)
[] After installation:
- launch IntelliJ IDE
- select 'File -> Open'
- select the 'pom.xml' file of this project.
[] Project layout:
BaseTest.java is the Base class that initiates AppiumDriver, sets capabilities, contains helper methods.
'pages' package holds all classes related to the application / URL pages
'tests' package holds the JUnit test to interact with Chrome browser.
the console output is available to view in 'sampleConsoleLogtxt'
NOTE - Should work both on emulator and device. However, I have tried it only on device since my machine slows down a lot when emulator is launched. to run on emulator, uncomment the 'avd' capability in BaseTest.java
[] To execute the test:
- Start Appium server
- Connect Android device or launch Android emulator with Chrome application installed.
- From IntelliJ IDE
- from 'Project' panel, expand the 'tests' package
- right click on the junit test class Eg. 'Test_001_Browse_Print_Bookmark_Base_flows', and select 'Run'
NOTE - I had to downgrade Chromedriver to execute these tests. -> Download Chromium version 2.22 from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html and save it in appium/node_modules/android-chrome-driver/ path