Homework #1


  1. Feynman Writing Prompts - Write out explanations of the following concepts like you are explaining it to a 12 year old. Doing this will help you quickly discover any holes in your understanding. Ask your questions on Slack.

    • let
    • const
    • ES6 Classes
    • import/export
    • JSX
    • this.props
  2. Fork and clone this repo. When you need to commit use the following commands.

    • Run: npm install -g create-react-app
    • Create a boilerplate React app called Profile. create-react-app profile
    • Navigate into /profile and run the command: npm start
    • Your <App /> component will render a <NavBar /> and a <Body /> component.
    • Create a file called NavBar.js and a file called Body.js
    • <NavBar /> and <Body /> will both be React components. <NavBar /> should display the title of your page in a larger font.
    • <Body /> will display some information about yourself.
    • Try adding an image, some text, and some links to your github profile.
    • For the content in <Body /> try to break things down into their own components as much as you can. The purpose of this exercise is to practice creating basic components. You should be very comfortable with the basic syntax of creating React components before the next lesson.

Congratulations on finishing Homework #1!

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