Homework #3


  1. Create a project folder. Setup your virtual environment. Install flask.

  2. Create a /templates folder in your project directory with the following html templates.


    <img src="https://lambdaschool.com/static/assets/images/lambda.png">
    <h1>Food Database</h1>
    <h3><a href="/enternew">Add Food</a></h3>
    <h3>Apply now for a chance to attend one of our immersive programs beginning in April 2017.</h3>
    <p>Our immersive programs combine small class sizes, world class instructors, a curriculum comprised of cutting edge technologies, and career counseling to help you begin a successful career as a software engineer.  All at a fraction of the cost of a traditional Computer Science degree.</p>
    <h4>Our curriculum includes:</h4>
        <li>Computer science fundamentals including data structures, algorithms, complexity analysis, and an intro to data science</li>
        <li>Front-end web development using HTML, CSS/SASS, React, Redux, and client testing  </li>
        <li>Back-end development including Node/Express, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, auth/security, devops, server testing, and more </li>
        <li>An introduction to mobile development using React Native</li>
        <li>Agile Development, Test Driven Development</li>
        <li>Interviewing strategies, resume writing, and how to leverage social media and other online resources to help you find the right job</li>
        <li>Long-term career strategies and how to position yourself to not just find a job but to create a successful and lucrative career as a software engineer</li>
    <h4>For more information click <a href="https://lambdaschool.com">HERE</a>.</h4>


    <form action = "{{ url_for('addfood') }}" method = "POST">
      <h3>Food Info</h3>
      <input type = "text" name = "name" /></br>
      <textarea name = "calories" ></textarea><br>
      <input type = "text" name = "cuisine" /><br>
      <input type = "text" name = "is_vegetarian" /><br>
      Gluten Free<br>
      <input type = "text" name = "is_gluten_free" /><br>
      <input type = "submit" value = "submit" /><br>


    <h1>result of addition : {{ message }}</h1>
    <h2><a href = "/">Home</a></h2>
  3. Initialize your database. Create a file called initdb.py. Copy the contents shown below into initdb.py. Run initdb.py with this command: Python initdb.py. After running this script a file called database.db is created. This is your SQLite3 database. SQLite3 reads and writes to a single static file without needing a separate database server running locally.


    import sqlite3
    connection = sqlite3.connect('database.db')
    print 'Opened database successfully';
    connection.execute('CREATE TABLE foods (name TEXT, calories TEXT, cuisine TEXT, is_vegetarian TEXT, is_gluten_free TEXT)')
    print 'Table created successfully';
  4. Create your server file, import the needed dependencies, and create the home route (/). This route should render the home.html template. Start your server and go to localhost:5000/. Your file structure should now look like this:

       --server.py (or whatever you named your python script)
       ---- home.html
       ---- food.html
       ---- result.html
  5. Implement the /enternew route. This route should simply render food.html.

  6. Implement the /addfood route. This route should accept a POST request. This route should accept the form data sent from the food.html template and INSERT it into the database. Use the lecture code as a reference. Verify that you are correctly inserting the data into the database by uploading your database.db file to http://inloop.github.io/sqlite-viewer/.

Extra Credit

  1. Create a route called /favorite that queries the database for your favorite food and returns it as JSON. Hard code the query string, it doesn't need to be dynamically built from a route parameter. For example, 'SELECT * FROM foods WHERE name = "mango"'. Make sure this food already exists inside of your database. Add a link to this route on your home page.

  2. Create a route called /search. Add the search form below to your home.html file below the food database header. /search should accept a GET request and then access the query parameter name and use that to perform a SELECT query on the database for any row that has a matching name field. Return the results as JSON.

    <form action="{{ url_for('search') }}" method="GET">
        <input type="text" name="name" />
        <input type="submit" />
  3. Create a route called /drop. This route should drop the table foods. Return the string 'dropped' after successfully dropping the table. This wipes out the foods table so all of your routes will be nonfunctional until you run the initdb.py script again.

Congratulations on finishing Homework #3!

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Our part time and full time courses are 13 intense weeks of focused study on the most relevant technologies.

Class sizes are small to ensure that each student gets individual attention from our world class instructors to help them succeed.

For more information visit: https://lambdaschool.com